Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Ditto on the kind replies.

BTW, got a call from my daughter-in-law in Bradford, PA. A city main line busted due to the intense cold so the water has been shut off to everyone. Their mayor has called a state-of-emergency and canceled school for the rest of the week. She's packing the kids up and heading for Michigan this afternoon.
I hope she isn't expecting warmer weather here.

Hello Michigan friends

I haven't vaccinated any of mine before, but since I am getting some new chicks from a hatchery that offers it, I was thinking I would get them done. Then I tried to make sure this didn't put my current (un-vaccinated) flock at risk, and things got tricky.
After losing a hatch of silkies a couple of years ago, I ordered vaccinated birds from meyers. No losses and no sick birds. The ones I lost were ebay eggs and I have no idea what they died from, I lost them at 2 1/2 months on, one by one and nothing seemed to stop it. Only 1 survived.
Isn't it time for spring yet?
Ditto on the kind replies.

BTW, got a call from my daughter-in-law in Bradford, PA. A city main line busted due to the intense cold so the water has been shut off to everyone. Their mayor has called a state-of-emergency and canceled school for the rest of the week. She's packing the kids up and heading for Michigan this afternoon.
sorry for her problems but really nice to see the grandkids and daughter I'm sure

Hello Michigan friends

I have a question to pose to you, if you will. Have any of you, particularly onpeople just get a sidelong, suspicious glance
we have had Meriks, not fun and you should be safe in having them vaccinated, I have done all new birds, no problems with older birds. think of it this way. as it is not a live virus, it is safe. and if you are going to loose birds better the old then the new.
So good to hear from you it has been a long time. hope all is well. hope you can come to CS this yr
It is getting close to that time of year for hatching chicks. Who out there is going to be hatching peachicks out this year and what colors? Perhaps price too? I just lost my India Blue split cameo split black shoulder the other day after having him for 15 years. Thankfully I have his son but he still has a year or so before breeding age. May be looking for a 2 year old male or older perhaps too or others even hens.

Also what all is everyone planning to hatch out and maybe sell? Just would be nice to know what is going to be out there and where at perhaps. I am in Northern Lower peninsula and always looking for birds like peafowl, runner ducks, muscovies (solid color only), turken naked neck bantams and etc.. Never know what might pique my interest. Thanks all.
Hello Michigan friends :frow

So I wanted to see if I could get an idea of how much risk there is around here for Mareks in the first place. Any experience on this would be appreciated, thank you. :)

(And also a big hello to the familiar faces around here, long time! All you other people just get a sidelong, suspicious glance ;)  )

Half of my flock has been vaccinated and half has not. I had also heard about possible shedding but I haven't had any issues. I would get vaccinated if it's possible just to avoid future heartache.
our flock of 775 ewes.

Wow thats a lot of sheep! What kind do you have?

Hello Michigan friends :frow  

I have a question to pose to you, if you will. Have any of you, particularly on the West side of the state, had issues with Mareks? 

it shouldn't be a danger to my older girls, for one thing they are all 2 - 4 years old, and apparently the vaccination is a different (turkey) strain than what is in the environment.

(And also a big hello to the familiar faces around here, long time! All you other people just get a sidelong, suspicious glance ;)  )

Hi Juice!

Since the vaccine strain is a turkey strain, it poses no risk even if shed. There is Mareks everwhere there are birds (including wild ones). There are few things more discouraging than raising birds to young adulthood only to have them waste away and die of a preventable disease.

Also what all is everyone planning to hatch out and maybe sell?  Just would be nice to know what is going to be out there and where at perhaps. I am in Northern Lower peninsula

Hi and welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread :D
Thanks, guys! I will go ahead and get the vaccine, then. :)

Snowflake - I have been without a car for forever but hopefully by then I will be able to leave my blasted house! Going more than a bit stir crazy here, with all the terrible weather and negative windchills, the kids haven't even been able to play outside and I think everyone is more than ready for a little break from each other
I would love to make it to CS again if I can.
congrats on the new hatchlings!!  

X2 on no apology needed, we even talk about food on this thread,....  sure could use some brownies, or maybe a Texs sheet cake,.   

the wind got to me today, haven't taken the dog for a walk yet. I don't mind the snow :)sick ) but the wind is too much, it is almost March but the March winds usually are not bringing -10
Yum brownies sound wonderful!
So I got sucked into a farm and home today and they just happen to have some chicks for sale and I was in the market for some more isa browns to add to the flock and they had them straight run for 1.49 I'm sorry to say they need to change the sign on that bin because its not straight run anymore because somehow all 25 little pullets ended up in my cart...the kids were happy...and each picked and named one so we now have steak..who is green (I use food coloring to dye a bit of down so the kids can tell them apart) eggs ...who is purple the boys think they are comedians, mo who has a green head and purple belly, sally who is dark orange and blue butt who has yes a blue butt. Anyway fun day chicks are peeping in the basement and eho cares if its cold...the global warming is bound to kick in sooner or later.....

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