Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I wrote this many years ago for my sons and thought some of you might enjoy it.

A knight woke late one morning
and felt that he was cold.
He stumbled to his mirror
and discovered he was old.

As he rode to face the dragon
he found to his dismay,
his once dark powerful charger
was now half lame and gray.

Tho he swung his sword
with all his might,
the melee ran
til almost night.

A when at last the fight was oer,
and he had the battle won,
he knew that he was finished,
he knew his days were done.

As he limped home late that evening,
sword dragging in the dust,
his suit of shining armor
was now a pile of rust.

Why the knight was badly battered,
why his armor no longer gleamed,
was those for whom he fought the dragons
have forgotten how to dream.
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I live in southwestern michigan and there is a hawk that has showed up and i was wondering if it could cause a threat to my 6 chickens.
P.S. we live in the woods and there is some tree cover but i believe it could still land
I live in southwestern michigan and there is a hawk that has showed up and i was wondering if it could cause a threat to my 6 chickens.
P.S. we live in the woods and there is some tree cover but i believe it could still land
Welcome to BYC!
Yes, hawks are definitely a threat...why I keep mine birds under a mesh covered run.

Nice verses @Opa !
I live in southwestern michigan and there is a hawk that has showed up and i was wondering if it could cause a threat to my 6 chickens.
P.S. we live in the woods and there is some tree cover but i believe it could still land
Hi and welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread

Hawks (and owls) will take chickens. Since hawks are federally protected birds, as well as being valuable predators of many varmints, you can not harm or kill them. Best to confine your birds to a protected area. This time of year the birds are migrating, and will usually move on after a few weeks when the easy prey has been exhausted.

Very nice Opa. "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" J. Dean
I live in southwestern michigan and there is a hawk that has showed up and i was wondering if it could cause a threat to my 6 chickens.
P.S. we live in the woods and there is some tree cover but i believe it could still land

I am also in SW MI. Yes, hawks can kill chickens. We lost one of our free-rangers to a hawk earlier this year. We ended up keeping the birds cooped up for 1-2 weeks until the hawk moved on. The only time we let them out was when we, and the dog, were right nearby. We let our neighbor down the road, who also free-ranges, know about the hawk as well so they could protect their chickens too.

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