Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Ever since I started either mashing up or soaking their crumble, it seems that that is all they want to eat. They go over to the feeder, peck a bit, then go back to the little dish of crushed bits. Am I enabling their laziness by doing this?

Yes. :D
No reason I can see to feed them wetted feed.
Just leave the dry stuff, they'll eat it eventually.
:) Ah, I misremembered it a bit too. 🤦‍♀️
I grind the flock raiser for the first couple weeks.
Ok, I will crush it a bit. They went over to the little dish I had it in, which was empty, and looked confused.
Morning! I am late and behind everything this morning. It said it will rain, so unsure toget the ladies out.
Anyways, thank you all for all the information. I read somewhere to make sure they have a ration and that is why I measured it but not today. I still have to go outside and I know they are up and hungry. Just wanted to see the responses.

So, with that said, I need to go and see what kind of trouble, I am getting myself into today.
Have a wonderful blessed day and will see you all later on.

My Oliver Egger, Deion, hasn’t laid an egg now in 5 days! She was the one I thought was broody and was tik tik tikng for a few days. She still is pooping but it doesn’t appear to be as much as the others. At what point do I have examine her to see if she is egg bound?

Could she simply not be laying because of the heat?
What are the benefits to membership?
Last October when BYC said that they weren't going to accept political ads (at some financial cost to them, for sure), I decided I would support that decision by buying a PFM. That got rid of all the ads for me. That alone is worth it. I'll be renewing my PFM when it expires. I don't know what other benefits there are; no ads is why I did it.

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