Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Laura, just wash your veggies before you eat them. Also, you may consider investing in a varmint gun or learn to shoot one... that way you won't have to kill it twice, and you provide a quicker death.
Not all us women are passive some of us prefer the direct approach!
Hubby did come down with the .22 and took care of it. He actually kiled a fox a few weeks ago. shot it right in the head. I stuck it in the freezer as one of my duaghter's fox hunts in Metamora and she was telling me that someone down in that area that hunted, bought a stuffed fox for 900.00. So she put the word out that if anyone wants this one, its for sale. Even if I only get 200 or 300.00 for it, I'd be happy.
I have no idea. There was a little greenhouse near me and they were closing up for the season. I bought all there had planted loosely in a tray so I'm thinking a whole package of seeds. I split the tray between my daughter and I so I got 3 rows of about 20 ft long.
Lots of excitement today. Wynette glad you are all ok.
Love the pictures. Polish

I posted over in injuries with no response. The main question is does cross beak develop overnight or should I be looking my bird over for injuries since it did happen overnight for him? He's four months old so not just a chick.
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I can say that my old golden duckwing rooster is the most beautiful chicken I have even seen. that is until Jr. came along.

Old Man in front with LONG spurs. Jr in the back. Hens happy eating pieces of bread that I fed off the deck.
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Lots of excitement today.  Wynette glad you are all ok.
Love the pictures. Polish :love
I posted over in injuries with no response.  The main question is does cross beak develop overnight or should I be looking my bird over for injuries since it did happen overnight for him?  He's four months old so not just a chick.

I think injury... I don't think the skull could have shifted over night to do that...
Sankofa is a word in the Akan language of Ghana. Loosly translated into english, it is "go back and get it" - or rather, take what you need from the past in order to move into the future.

Neat! Thank you for sharing that. :)

Who says Uggos are ugly?

Lovely pictures, Silly.

I solved the blossom end rot by putting eggshells and unhatched eggs in the holes

Ahh, I was wondering if I might be able to use eggshells for that, thanks! Beautiful sunflower, and I always like your cow pictures, they are so cute.

Hi everybody!!!!

I sprinkled epsom salts on my plants this year and then recently I heard to put a banana peel in the hole when planting tomatoes because of the potassium will help give it a good start.

I am not sure if I can eat that many bananas!

Zombie possums AGAIN!!!

Not as wonderful as the birth of a child, but it is a kick.

You must not have been the one giving birth!

Really? lol

Hahaha, I love this one!

Been gone so long off here I'll never catch up! I snapped a few pictures while out working on the coop....

Pretty hen! And those bunnies are sooo stinkin cute!

Picture time...

Also nice pics, and Roger looks WAY better than the last picture I saw of him... he got all torn up, didn't he?

In just over an hour the sun will be coming up and another day will be underway and has every indication of being another wonderful day. Wasn't yesterday a beautiful day. I love watching the sky when it's a brilliant blue and the clouds look like big fluffy pillows. I remember days like that as a child when I would lay on the ground watching the pillow like clouds while envisioning the different animals they seemed to morph into.

As soon as the sun is up I need to take a dozen chickens out of the salt/sugar brine solution that they spent the night in. After allowing them to drip dry they will go in the smoker. The rest of the day I will spend reading and occasionally checking the thermometers monitoring the chickens internal temperature. I will be smoking them with apple wood so periodically I will need to add more wood shavings to the smoker pan.

I have a cousin coming to visit for a few days and on Sunday two of my brothers and their families will be coming for dinner. I thought smoked chicken would be the ideal thing to feed them. Granny certainly is looking forward to this visit.

I have a cousin coming to visit for a few days and on Sunday two of my brothers and their families will be coming for dinner. I thought smoked chicken would be the ideal thing to feed them. Granny certainly is looking forward to this visit.
I think that I'm an ersatz cousin.
I attended the initial kick-off meeting of the Backyard Chicken Keepers of Michigan last evening in New Baltimore.
Today, I off to Lansing for the Ag Comm meeting. Both trips have been with wingless, who graciously drives.

More details later.
Good morning all!

Well, fertility seemed to have gone way up on the chicks I have been waiting on, but, sadly, still short. Still crossing my fingers for next week (always next week... sigh). Given the good increase in hatch numbers and the continued cooler temperatures, I'm pretty optimistic that next week will be it!!

Spent the day yesterday chopping and cutting trees and limbs and dragging them all away. "Mom" doesn't want the sassafras in her yard (or even within sight of her windows). After cleaning and feeding the horses in the morning, then having breakfast, I started on it. Didn't stop until I couldn't go any longer at about 7. My degenerative disk back/neck is screaming so loud you can all probably hear it. No range of motion left. A couple of beers, a long hot shower and early bed. My plans for today... Keep doing it until I can't anymore. She will come out and watch me with arms crossed from a distance, never lend a hand, and not even bring me a glass of water.

Please grant me patience!

Loved the picture of the polish (whoever that was) What kind is it??

Oh wait!, supposed to go to the fair today (shucks, won't be able to work on killing myself further). Must check out the poultry. And the auction tomorrow night. DH doesn't know about that yet. Ssshhhhh.

Sorry all, when I'm in pain, the sarcasm just rolls on out.

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