Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

That's the way we do it because that's how my MIL told us to do it lol. I'm considering just freezing this year because I don't have enough jars lol.
my mom did it this way for over 50 yrs, we have never had a problem, I do add lemon juice now, bring to a rolling boil, for 15 min. She did apple sauce this way to not peaches or pears though, ? I know all the modern recipes call for boiling the jars which is why I bought the pressure cooker but they don't call for pressure-izing only hot water bath. would like to know if the hot pack AND water bath is due to people boiling properly so the whole method got thrown out just like NEVER give you baby water...some times the rule makers tend to over react???? Freezing works great but my freezer is now full of chicken, if DH gets a deer we will not have room

Wish I can train them to poop at least in the grass and not all over the sidewalks.
if you get this one figured out I want your secret, can't walk out the door with out checking, hens like to leave calling cards

the cross beak (almost forgot) usually caused by a birth defect in the formation of the skull, if the deformity is not so bad it may have not show up right away. but I agree 4 months seems rather late.

Have a great day all going to can tomatoes today.. jars are in the dish washer getting hot tomatoes on the stove. May still do the water bath??
forgot to mention, Meijers has canning jars buy 2 get one free, brings the price down considerably any size, through the 24th

also have a homemade launder soap recipe using boraxo,, borax super wash,baking soda,oxyclean, and fels naptha if any one is interested, you only use 1 Tbs. seems to work well but have only used a few times so far....
You folks who do home canning, please dont take risks or use short cuts when processing. Hot-pack tomatoes must be processed in boiling water after packing, as they will not reach the proper temp in a pot. Jars in a boiling water bath are surrounded by circulating boiling water, which ensures proper heating. It is a small step that provides a lot of peace of mind and a safe source of food for you and your loved ones.

Don't mess with botulism. Boil cold-packed jars for 85 minutes.
forgot to mention,   Meijers has canning jars buy 2 get one free, brings the price down considerably any size, through the 24th

 also have a homemade launder soap recipe using boraxo,, borax super wash,baking soda,oxyclean, and fels naptha if any one is interested, you only use 1 Tbs. seems to work well but have only used a few times so far....

Can you pm it to me please?
Those polish are so cute! I hope my houdan's make it so I can have some silly looking chicks too!

A question for you expeienced incubators: should I discard the 'clear' eggs on day 6? Or should I wait longer? I think that's what today would technically be, since I put them in last wednesday, so today is their 6th full day in there. I was a naughty girl and peeked at a few again last night......I think I might have one with a blood ring too. Not sure since it looked like a vein, but it didn't go all the way around the egg (no "ring") but there wasn't any 'spider' look to it either?

DH worked on the new shed/coop more last night. The walls are all framed up and he got the trusses on the ends set, so now we just need to run a string from peak to peak and then build the rest of them. We're trying to figure out how we want to do the roof. Steel would be nice, but we're pricing out the difference between that and shingles before we do anything. We also got our new thermostat wafers in the mail the other day and started playing with the brooder. It's a pretty nifty little contraption! I'm very much looking forward to using that instead of the kiddie pool this time around.
A rolling boil still does not evenly heat the food for the proper amount of time. In addition, if you boil the food long enough for safety, it will affect the water content as it will boil down considerably. In a hot water bath, quarts should boil for 45 minutes if hot-packed. Food safety rules are developed by research that is intended to make food safe all the time, not most of the time or 99% of the time. IF your mom has processed food a certain way because that is how she has always done it, that is certainly her choice to make. I would call her lucky that there has not been any spoilage or contamination.
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Freezing works great but my freezer is now full of chicken, if DH gets a deer we will not have room
I know the feeling snowflake. Last year I bought 2 big upright freezers off of CL for $40.00 each. by the time I got one home, it wouldn't work. But the other is now so full that I can hardly get anymore in it. I already had a smaller one and that one is filling fast. Now DH says he may go deer hunting this year (he doesn't hardly ever go). He almost always gets a deer within about 15 mins. so I don't know where I will put that one.
We're trying to figure out how we wantto do the roof. Steel would be nice, but we're pricing out the difference between that and shingles before we do anything.
DH and I were in Home Depot and was looking at this sheetiing for roofs. I thought it was plsatic but he said it was fiberglass. Either way it was like 50 years durability. I believe the size was 48x74. It figured out to a little more expensive but much easier to install. If you know anyone in active duty, HDepot gives a 10% discount. If you can get them to buy it, that will make it cheaper then metal. It looks really nice too and comes in quite a few colors, like black, gray, red, green, rust, etc. I even thought about using it for the sides of the coop.
I know the feeling snowflake. Last year I bought 2 big upright freezers off of CL for $40.00 each. by the time I got one home, it wouldn't work. But the other is now so full that I can hardly get anymore in it. I already had a smaller one and that one is filling fast. Now DH says he may go deer hunting this year (he doesn't hardly ever go). He almost always gets a deer within about 15 mins. so I don't know where I will put that one.

Snowflake and laura - try canning the venison. Saves freezer space and doesn't cost any money to keep (and no freezer burn). We can all our meat, venison, chicken, rabbit, pork and goose (beef steaks goes on the grill of course!) We can venison burger and cube up any roast or steak (generally I just grind up into burger). You just put it in as the last ingredient and heat up when cooking. It makes the burger very fine textured.

Happy Anniversary Rose!

Ever get woke up hearing a tiny bug fly OUT of your ear? UGH! yeah, so I got up and stuck cotton in my ear and roto rooted them out this morning. It was those little buggers that can slip through the screens, they're horrible this year. Every morning I have a pile of them on the floor by a night light. I never had this problem till I re arranged the bedroom yesterday (closer to the window and alarm clock)... The clock is now back on the other side of the room. If the bugs want to fly into the light....... they can do it over there and stay out of my ears!!
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