Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Ok his number is 517/403-9328 His name is Jarred..... he said it would be fun
Just Kidding about that last post.

Trefoil and Gladahme, SO sorry with what you're dealing with because of the hatcheries! Thankfully I have not yet had this problem! I order through my local feed store and they have always taken care of these problems from their hatchery before giving me the call.
ok need some help..Like NOW!! I've not had this issue before

The chicks I got from the hatchery friday...... last night I noticed some with wet butts, compounded with severe pecking from others. I separated the wet butts out, and gave everyone antibiotic water.. (one chick has sense died). I don't want to lose anymore.. the wet butt chicks are just standing there not eating or anything... listless. What can I do? do I need probiotics or antibiotics? More heat, less heat?
I don't see any bloody or yellow poops, just wetness with a little whitish stuff, no smell.

Should I force water with something in it to help?

They aren't crowded. chicks and turkeys all separated (one turkey has same issue).

Hi and welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread

There are 3 of us that I know of that have CL's, mine are quite young and while laying very nice blue eggs they are still on the small side.
Thanks for replying. Do you have any for sale or can you connect me with someone that might?
I am going to set some Legbar eggs for a test hatch next week, but it may be a while before I have chicks to sell. There is a lot to be done with type on these birds. Have you checked the Legbar threads?

Silly, that is to bad! Maybe antibiotics would be a good idea, and electrolytes if they will drink them.
love those Sussex chicks
nope not sussex, he only sells chantecler and ameraucana one lays blue eggs the other brown, they both have very small combs. all are looking very healthy so far, I think one may have splayed leg but it may be just a little week from hatching. if she isn't walking a little better tomorrow I may try to hobble. she has not been on any smooth surface but could have been piled on during shipping?
here is my dd with her genesis we got it used for 50.00 lol....
what a sweet heart.
Ok his number is 517/403-9328 His name is Jarred..... he said it would be fun
probably should have pm-d the ##

ok need some help..Like NOW!! I've not had this issue before
??? sorry I can't imagine what the problem would be


Raz sorry I ca't help you, but we have had Mareks and I would feel horrible if your birds came down sick while with me.
How long do you have to comply??
I brought golden willows to Chicken Stock last year. If people want some, I can get some cuttings started.
I also have several green ash seedlings that I need to remove.

willow trees! How much do you want for the golden willow?

Since we're on the subject of trees coming to Chickenstock... I'd love any fruit trees, ornamentals, or fast growing shade trees... if anybody happens to have some little volunteers coming up... Let me know what you have & how much.

ok need some help..Like NOW!! I've not had this issue before

I would start by giving them Poly-Vi-Sol (infant vitamin drops) without Iron. You can get them at your local pharmacy counter. Just a tiny drop... they hate the taste, but it helps. Also put electrolyte (save-a-chick) in their water. In the mean time while you're waiting for them to hopefully start looking better, call your hatchery, explain the problem & see if they know the best solution that might help.
You need to get with Holly duck farmer. Ducks eat both flies and mosquitoes & larvae. They make great pest control.
How far are you from Millington?

My hatchery order came this morning. Out of 15, 5 were DOA and 3 were in bad shape, down but still breathing. If I order again I'm going to try getting expedited shipping.
Oh god no...I'd rather deal with skeeters then duck poop any day...

k his number is 517/403-9328 His name is Jarred..... he said it would be fun

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