Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hey all! I hope all is well! I've been busy working 2 jobs back to back to back for most of the week with 2 hours of sleep between each long shift. Finally a full night's rest last night and another tonight with a full day off for my birthday tomorrow (yay)!

Anyway... I have a chicken story to share now that it appears to be turning out with a happy ending. About a week ago one of our isa brown pullets got her head stuck in the screen door of the coop when we were closing it up for the night but no one realized it until the next day when we let the dogs out and they started biting her and trying to pull her through by her head. She has been in a cage outside my bedroom door since. I didn't think she would make it with so much skin separated from her head, her eyes injured, and quite a bit of blood loss. Day 1 and Day 2 of recovery included her laying in a corner of the cage and us force feeding her water and broths with a syringe, applying poultices and draining pus from her many head and neck injuries. Day three she would stand straight up for a bit, unable to open her eyes or move, and then lay back down just to stand up again a bit later. Day 4 she started moving to a bowl of water to drink when we splashed in it with our hands, following the sound. She also started having a regular poo again this day so we were pretty sure she was finding food on her own so we stopped dropper-feeding. The few days since she has improved considerably every day, with today being the first that she acts like a normal chicken, clucking, stretching, cleaning her wings, etc. Her eyes are open now, and she seems to be able to see fine out of them... cocking her head too "look" at things and moving away from a finger that's too close. I took pictures today also but they are too gory to share yet, I feel. I'm sorry to keep her from her friends but I know they'd pick at her and make her sick again if she was with them. She's a special one now and will probably get spoiled.
I did mental math tonight. I shouldn't have done that. 15 hens + 1 rooster. 13 chicks in grow-out coop. 13 chicks in other grow-out coop. 7 chicks under the broody. Winter coop space for 25 large fowl and 10 bantam. I'm pretty certain I have at least 6 cockerels to part with.

I'm going to have several cockerels available later this summer if anyone is interested. Right now I have a cute little pea-combed EE roo who is red with a grey beard/muffs and blue legs, and another EE/mix roo (straight comb) that's going to be a red-shouldered buff with black tail feathers (these can go anytime as they are only going to be grown out and butchered. I'll also probably have a couple BLRWs available if as many are boys as I'm suspecting. I'm going to have to wait on those to see who looks the best before I launch my plans for my breeding project for next year.
After looking at the radar I have decided that I am never going to get to weed the garden...

But, on a good note; off work til next Tuesday, I just completed (correctly!) my second NY Times crossword ever AND tomorrow is my BDAY :D

Roosters are crowing....

Ok. Maybe these online daily NY Times xwords are easier ... Cuz I just finished another :)
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Cool and wet. Not exactly conducive to plant growth. The garden would do much better if it were warmer. However, since I advocate promoting every day as a good day I will concentrate on the positive aspects, things like the roof doesn't leak, or since everything is wet outside I can stay inside and read and not feel like I'm putting off the chores that need to be done. Attitude is everything, it's just a matter of finding something positive to focus on to make it a good day.
Happy Birthday to Sarah & preciouskitty! Sarah, glad to hear your pullet is on the mend. Poor girl... glad she has you to take care of her.


It is raining nicely this morning. No heavy wind... just a nice soak. Our garden needed that, we wouldn't want the weeds to die off. :) Working on my 2nd cup of coffee this morning. Need a bit more to wake me up!

On a completely not chicken related topic: Our microwave died. Drats! It was one of those nice big deals that you can't hardly find anywhere. So big you could practically fit a turkey inside, stainless steel, inverter, etc. Loved it! By researching the error code online, it was determined not to fix it ourselves, as these microwaves will hold a lethal voltage even when not plugged in. I priced out new ones and they were $250. So I did a little bit more research and found a "Panasonic authorized" repair place in Grand Rapids. They charge $40 labor plus parts to fix it. They told me it was either the inverter, or the magnetron, that went bad according to the code... Depending on what was wrong it could cost me up to $120. Still cheaper than a new one so I dropped it off. Well, they called & said it was the magnetron, and they had it all fixed & ready, and that my cost was just $40! Apparently the magnetron part had a 5yr warranty that expires July 2013, but since I dropped it off to them last week, in June... it was still covered! :) YIP YIP! That kind of thing never happens! Ok, I guess it does... this one time.

Ok, moving on... back to chickens & farms folks. Nothing to see here. ;)
Happy birthday, Sarah :)

Good deal on ur microwave, Maah!

Opa, you are right, best to find the good. While my roof WAS leaking with last week's "hurricane", the $75 fix solved that, so I shan't have to worry today.

Since outside work not an option, just might have my honey take me out for my Bday a day early. Thinking a nice dinner at Texas de Brazil downtown & maybe my once yearly visit to the casino.....

Chicken subject. So, have 2 FBCMs (Maia & Lela) that I got from Wynette at CS in quarantine in bedroom. They are in a nice 3.5' x 6' box covered with some plastic garden fence. The kitties like to keep them company. About an hour ago, quite a ruckus & Precious (yes, that is where my "screen name" comes from) & Kitty came tearing out of the room. Went in & there is Maia in the middle of the room! I have NO clue how she got out of box as fencing was still in place & looked totally undisturbed! Find it hilarious how freaked the cats get by the chickens once they get big (Maia is ~22 weeks)..anyhow, picked Maia up, petted her & calmed her down, put her back & added a few more clips to cover!

Think I will have another cup of java....:)

glad your hen is doing better

congrats on the micro fix, usually things die just AFTER the warranty expires,lucky you

the rain is welcome here too, but we have only gotten a little I may still have to go turn on the sprinkler
I am sneaking out on my birthday tomorrow. I am taking a Barnes and Noble vacation. Yup. Going to go, get a cuppa, soup/sandwich for my meal, and settle into a chair and read some Carl Hiaasen. He's got a new book out, Bad Monkey. And yes, that sounds like the perfect was to celebrate 39 years of living.
I am sneaking out on my birthday tomorrow. I am taking a Barnes and Noble vacation. Yup. Going to go, get a cuppa, soup/sandwich for my meal, and settle into a chair and read some Carl Hiaasen. He's got a new book out, Bad Monkey. And yes, that sounds like the perfect was to celebrate 39 years of living.

Happy Bday, Nova:)
We share the same day...though I have ya by an extra 8 years :D
Enjoy your day...(and I truly believe that one's Bday is THEIR day, to do WHATever they choose; we all deserve at least one day/year to be a bit "self"ish :) )
Boy, seems like we have a quite the crew of Michigan Cancers shaping up!!!
Happy Bday, Nova:)
We share the same day...though I have ya by an extra 8 years

Enjoy your day...(and I truly believe that one's Bday is THEIR day, to do WHATever they choose; we all deserve at least one day/year to be a bit "self"ish
Boy, seems like we have a quite the crew of Michigan Cancers shaping up!!!
yup, 3rd for me, my departed grandpa from Michigan City is the 2nd, and my mom is the 7th. We be July babes, old ones at that!

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