Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

This has NOTHING to do with chickens, but I'm wondering if anyone here would be interested in a pure breed English Mastiff? We have a beautiful well behaved 3 year old male.
My son was at a friends house on New Year's Eve this past year (9 months ago) and the friends dog attacked his face. He almost took his nose entirely off. They were able to reattach and graft so he looks pretty good now. The physical scar is pretty bad and will need more repair as time goes on. The emotional scar it has left is nearly as bad. Not just for him, but the entire family.
My dog had nothing to do with this attack, its simply the fact that he is a large dog that is difficult for us.
We will keep him and love him if we don't find a good home, but after much discussion we are asking around if anyone is looking for this kind of dog. He is great with kids, and chickens. He has never gone after our chickens or ducks.
Let me know if you are interested.
I'm so sorry your son went through this horrible ordeal. I can understand why you want to find a new home for your dog. If I was close, I would take him. We have a Mastiff/Lab and he's "almost" an angel (has a "playful" side!). If anyone out there is considering a large dog, I know from experience that the English Mastiff is a big, gentle giant. Properly handled (as any dog) they are very loyal and loving companions.

I hope you find him a wonderful home.
x2 they are very laid back when they get out of their puppy stage. Most large breeds are well mannered as adults if their part of the family pack. Where most go wrong is that they get frustrated with puppies and young dogs and they get thrown on a chain or kennel left to their own accord. Not that there is anything wrong with an outside dog but you still have to spend time and teach them boundaries and manners. Most of mine are kenneled outside when were not home or at night due to limited house space but they all spend time inside and have basic obedience, walks, play time ect... Most dogs that have behavioral issues unfortunately just get forgotten about short of feeding and watering. Sorry to here about your son.
Thank you for condolences. He is doing very well actually, I think maybe a little PTSD? The dog that attacked was an Alaskan Malmute. I had no idea at the time, but I guess this is not his first offense. It was however his last!
Our dog has always been an inside dog. We would like a home where he would stay an inside dog. He is definitely part of the "family pack". My 4year old daughter will take her shirt off and get a bath from the dog. Like a cat licking her newborn kitten. She lifts an arm, and the dog licks and she laughs!!! It's great! It's hard getting rid of him, but my son needs to heel emotionally. For now, we just try to keep them apart. If we don't find a good home, we will just continue to keep them apart...
He just turned 15 yesterday :)

Tell him Happy belated birthday!!!! it's 5 so gotta go home. I'll hop back on tonight.
I just lost another muscovy girl to one of my foster dogs. This makes 2 plus a hen that he's gotten now. I don't know how he even got to her or if she flew into the dog yard. He ate her before I knew she was missing and has been sick from both ends since. I'm going to have to tell the rescue to find another foster home for him (he 'stalks the chickens and ducks through the fence now).
My son is going to help me clip my 2 remaining girls from that hatch so they can't fly over the dog's yard anymore.
On a slightly better note - I got a small coop on CL for $40 today. It's a bit rough but not bad really. Couldn't beat the price hardly - needs some trim work done, new paint, a thorough cleaning and it's usable. I will add a new roof next year, as I'm not crazy about the roof it has now. It will still be a great coop for broodies or a quarantine coop.
And I added 6 more chickens. I was going to scale back for winter - I don't know what came over me! Possibly trauma from my little scovy girl's loss . . . 1 leghorn, 2 EEs, 2 blue Marans, and one Marans/EE cross (she has muffs and good leg feathering so it will be interesting to see her eggs). All were roughed up from the roosters they were in with and 2 are going to molt soon, I think. But the EEs are an interesting chocolate chip color the breeder was trying to develop. I'll see what color the chicks are next spring with my EE roo, Cruiser, over them.

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