Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Sorry for your loss Tim!

Sorry about your car @birdman55 ! I hope you can get it fixed. Hubby has had to replace 3 parts recently on his car, and then one was defective so we had to have that replaced, so it looks like he will be working on that tonight or tomorrow. Still up in the air if we can go to the swap. I really want to, but not sure we can afford the gas, which means that we definitely can't afford to buy anything then...which would make it torture. lol
Just opened my greenhouse (its inside and small) and i have lots of starts on my garde , but.. My cucumber plants (all 45) have holes in the leaves and are wilting!! Something has made a snack of my plants!!! I am mad.. Mad is an understatement!!!

Just had to vent! Back to re planting
I'm sorry gladahmae....I don't know much about it. We're all busy though, and things slip past. I remember reading about it when I first got chickens, but it's been awhile and I don't remember.

I agree about the weather, but I am just happy for the sunshine today so I can get outside and get some planting and cleaning, and building done! :)

In other EGGciting news (I know, that was so bad, lol)

I just found out I'm getting Easter Egger's, Frizzle Cochin Bantams, and Turkey Hatching Eggs from my super awesome neighbor for FREE within the next month!!!!! AND hubby ok'd me ordering meat chicks, and getting guineas (I might get hatching eggs, I might get keets...I have no clue right now. lol) so I'll be on the hunt for those and building shelters to set up for getting them within the next month!!
he's walking pretty normally. acting normal. it looks absolutely disgusting. I noticed it when i was filling feeders today and he was being a bit "off" about putting his feet down. it's just about identical on each foot which seems kind of strange but we will see. might see about doing an epsom soak to assess how bad it really is. we have enough roosters that it wouldn't be any kind of a loss for him to go....it's just the husbandry aspect of it.

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