Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

our 2 month olds getting to enjoy outside for a bit today:
Bird Swap

MAY 7th
4095 Welch rd
Attica MI

7am-later afternoon
$10 set up fee

Vendors wanted
Buyers wanted

Come and join the fun!!!

Michigan chicken and poultry swap
For more details
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Stopped by the FFH in Adrian today, and they had Freedom Rangers in. Was really tempting, but I need to get the buffs into the mini coop first and I think I'm about a week away from doing that. That and I probably should first get started on the new coop first before I go get some.
I've been looking since the beginning of March and not finding anything. Posted in a few fb groups and not found anything within reasonable driving distance so I'll ask here. I'm looking for a CCL or ameraucana cockerel. 6-12mo old preferred. Benzie/grand traverse/leelanau/northern Wexford or northern manistee counties.

I'm working on a SBEL/sapphire project and am lacking the male/blue egg side. There is someone in Osceola county selling day old CCLs but that would put me out to next spring on hatching and I'd like to hatch at the end of this summer of possible. Anyone have any leads?
Glad, I may have an extra Arkansas Blue rooster, depending on how hatching goes this spring. I kept 2 over the winter and need to get some hatched for myself before risking going back to a single roo. They are very nice birds, smallish and very feed efficient, and lay a large pale blue egg with none of the greenish tint you see with CL's. Crossed over a barred female (like CL's) they produce sexable chicks.
Hello all, first time posting, from the Grand Rapids area. We have a mixed flock of 6 (5 layers, 1 roo) that were just moved out into the coop this past weekend at 6 weeks old.

We have been feeding Kent/Blue Seal medicated chick starter. We'd like to find a good source for quality local feed to start using. We're not exactly sure what to look for in "quality" feed, and it seems there are some strong and varied opinions on the topic. We just want healthy, happy chickens and healthy, delicious eggs. Does anyone have any good local feed sources in the Grand Rapids area? And any expertise on what to look for in a quality feed? We appreciate any suggestions you can offer.
Hi Mariner, welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread

The commercially available feeds from local feed stores such as elevators or farm supply stores such as TSC will meet the nutritional needs of your birds. Since they are still young, a grower/finisher or All Flock diet would be best. If you buy a feed that is mixed locally (such as a feed mill), those feeds will not last as long as feeds such as Purina or Dumor, as they are not processed to maintain freshness for very long. For the small number of birds you have avoid buying large amounts of feed, as the water-soluble vitamins last for around 90 days from the milling date before starting to decrease in food value.

Offering small amounts of supplements such as scratch grains is fine, but should provide no more than 15% of the daily calories, as they tend to be high in fat and unbalanced.

Lots of free ranging is always fine.
Hello all, first time posting, from the Grand Rapids area. We have a mixed flock of 6 (5 layers, 1 roo) that were just moved out into the coop this past weekend at 6 weeks old.

We have been feeding Kent/Blue Seal medicated chick starter. We'd like to find a good source for quality local feed to start using. We're not exactly sure what to look for in "quality" feed, and it seems there are some strong and varied opinions on the topic. We just want healthy, happy chickens and healthy, delicious eggs. Does anyone have any good local feed sources in the Grand Rapids area? And any expertise on what to look for in a quality feed? We appreciate any suggestions you can offer.
hi mariner, welcome to Mi, BYC. lots of good people, fun picnic in Lansing in June all are welcome.
I am in Belding, not to far from GR. I don't know of any graineries, that will sell to individuals but I am sure some one may know of one if there is. TSC and FFH both have organic grains if that is what you are looking for.
Huh, I just won a $100 off a Garden Tower II (I signed up trying to win an actual unit, hah). Alas, even being $259 (the cost with the discount), plus $40 shipping, still a bit too much for me to want one.

If anyone wants to use it, the discount it is linked to my email, but we can still figure it out.

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