Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

No one is selling female ducks on Craigslist, Facebook, etc... does anyone here have one female? I really need one for my drake! She'd be a pet. I'd really like a Cayuga but I'm really open to all options.

Or anyone know anyone selling female ducks? Also preferably not chicks as she needs to go with my drake.
Hey All - I switched jobs a year ago and found three chicken peeps there!

One is looking for bantam Polish...did the ebay egg thing, zero results. Any leads?

Yeah! BYC is back..I don't post here much but didn't realize how much I peaked in until it was down.
Should have specified. Not Wayne, Oakland, Macomb or Washtenaw counties. The farther away from Detroit area, the better.
'Escaping Metro Detroit' was the best thing I ever did....40 years ago.
Have you always lived near there?

Would be overwhelming to pick a new spot to be....
.....give it time and it will become apparent where.

I would think that you of all people would know where chickens are copacetic with your activity with the RTF issues.
Hello I have a question for any of you. I was sitting on my deck this evening when all of a sudden my Royal Palm tom attacked and killed my 1 year old rooster. They have lived together sense chicks and I believe the rooster was attempting to breed a hen when the turkey attacked him. I'm curious if any of you have seen or heard of this? Is it common?
Finally back! BYC withdrawal hasn't been good! Jim, I think it's that spring madness thing, and adult roosters and toms won't always get along, just like roosters can do the same thing. So sorry! I've got chicks hatching RIGHT NOW in my new incubator, and I'm kinda freaking out. It's a mess in there, and more chicks are peeping, so hate to open the incubator. The first chick arrived yesterday morning, and there are now over twelve, out of twenty-six. Maybe tomorrow open it up? Tonight? What do you all do? Mary
Finally back! BYC withdrawal hasn't been good! Jim, I think it's that spring madness thing, and adult roosters and toms won't always get along, just like roosters can do the same thing. So sorry! I've got chicks hatching RIGHT NOW in my new incubator, and I'm kinda freaking out. It's a mess in there, and more chicks are peeping, so hate to open the incubator. The first chick arrived yesterday morning, and there are now over twelve, out of twenty-six. Maybe tomorrow open it up? Tonight? What do you all do? Mary
Drives me nuts.....I pull shells and dried rowdy chicks in groups, always leaving a group in bator, out thru windows. It is risky tho, I have a good humidification system but still have caused issues by opening bator while chicks are pipped.
Best of cLuck(peeps?)
Good morning everyone, well I have a pet chicken living in my bathroom because she's blind and the others were pecking on her. So where else can she go, but to my bathroom? And now it looks like I might get another one! This one is not blind, but she is being pecked to death, and she's the only one! What's up with these girls? They've also decided they don't want to eat either crumbles or pellets. Only greens and dried-freeze worms. But I purposely don't give them too many so they will eat their pellets. Yet their stubborn. But I'm more stubborn. I did some reaserch and learned that some chickies don't like dry food so people added water to it and made a mush of it and their chickens loved it. I did the same, and voil`a. Now I just need to know how much do I feed them and how often. Once a day or twice. Does anyone know?:confused:
Quite honestly I would recommend you stop feeding anything but just an occasional treat and leave them their pellet free choice. They will not starve themselves and will eat when they're hungry. Food made into a mash with water will spoil very quickly especially in warm weather, and would have to be offered several times a day. I think your birds are pulling your leg a little bit.

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