Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

My current broody hen is a Belgian d'Uccle.
TSC in Williamston has red sex-link pullets and Australorp pullets. I escaped without any stowing away in my car. Mary
It looks like one of my buff Orpingtons is going broody. :barnie I'm not sure that I'll indulge her or not. :confused:
I have a few errands to run and they don't take me near a TSC. But Saturday might be a different story...
Chick pictures!
So I got up this morning and let the chickens out like I normally do. Went back in to get my coffee and heard this funny noise coming from the chicken coop. I didn't think anything of it until I heard it a second and third time. So I decided to investigate. I went and opened up the chicken coop and the two little ones were on the roost. Then I hear out of Laverne a "cock a doodle doo!"... Laverne has now become Lawrence and we need to get rid of him. We can not have a rooster where we live. Does anyone want a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster named Lawrence? We need to get rid of him ASAP.
Just FYI...that is not a good quality BLRW...there is someone in SW Mi selling poor quality BLRW as good quality and they are only hatchery birds.

This is what he is supposed to look like (not my bird, fyi):
Thank you. He is still young yet. I got him from a friend who had ordered them online. I'm not sure where she ordered them from but ordered all hens and ended up with two roosters. Of course of the two I bought from her I ended up with one of those roosters. He can not stay here. If anybody wants him they can have him.

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