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Ooopsy.. Thank you. You are too kind. A friend of mine has a BIL that works at a large green house complex near Kalamazoo and when they replaced all their covers last fall I managed to score about 8000 square feet of the old covering. Very thick clear poly. Still in very good shape but very heavy. I will use some of it for winter protection for the chicken run and I am trying to engineer a way I can use some of it to cover the garden and berry patch in the spring to protect them from frost and serve as a cold frame allowing me to get a head start on the growing season. First things first though, the first project this spring will be to build the coop and run.
Good morning all, it appears that we have an abatement in the frigid weather at last. Hope just came in and asked if I heard an accident last night. We both must have slept like logs because only 100' from my front door some left the road and struck a tree in the neighbors front yard. The yard is tore up with tire tracks, lots of car parts including a drivers door, and we never heard a thing. I have heard only the pure of heart can sleep that soundly, or was it the dead?

Walked the perimeter of my property yesterday and only found one set of coyote tracks and of course they were no where near my snares. Oh well, as long as he stays away from the chickens he and I can coexist. I must admit that I do like hearing them and admire their ability to thrive. Just leave my chickens alone.
Morning folks, Chicks are doing well.

Today I have to power up the uber brooder, and I have to go to the neighbors for coffee this morning or she will yell at me. She hasn't seen me in a couple of days and worries. ( We love our neighbors.
) Especially when Doug isn't home. He'll be leaving on Sunday. I normally never worry when he goes on work trips, but this trip I'm a little nervous. They are going to Juarez, and Juarez isn't exactly safe right now. They are calling it little Baghdad. There will be 3 of them going at least, but it's still very dangerous.

Anyway, off to take care of the dogs, and chickens.

MRS YakLady, in going to Yale, you had to pass right by my place. Yale is only east of me up north of I-69. We could have met at Brockway Pub for great food and a couple spirits. Next time, let me know and we'll meet up. Or you's can stop here and we'll BBQ

Im been kind of stuck home with the Dober Twins, Isis and Danu. They are 11 wks old and are great pups. They already know "outside, in your crate, in your place, sit and NO!" I really couldnt ask for 2 better pups. Dobes are so smart and so needy that they are very ez to train. But note to self, NEVER do 2 pups at the same time again. LOTS of work. LOL ive been stuck home with them as I dont feel its good to leave them crated for long periods of time so now my grand daughter is mad at me. Autumn is almost 5 and wanted me to come over Sunday to "show" me how to do yoga on the Wii Fit machine. She said "grammy it hurts, but I'll do it one more time just to show you how' LOL bless her little heart. Gosh life is good.

Stay warm everyone. Looks like we're gonna have a heat wave tomorrow.
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MRS YakLady, in going to Yale, you had to pass right by my place. Yale is only east of me up north of I-69. We could have met at Brockway Pub for great food and a couple spirits. Next time, let me know and we'll meet up. Or you's can stop here and we'll BBQ

Im been kind of stuck home with the Dober Twins, Isis and Danu. They are 11 wks old and are great pups. They already know "outside, in your crate, in your place, sit and NO!" I really couldnt ask for 2 better pups. Dobes are so smart and so needy that they are very ez to train. But note to self, NEVER do 2 pups at the same time again. LOTS of work. LOL ive been stuck home with them as I dont feel its good to leave them crated for long periods of time so now my grand daughter is mad at me. Autumn is almost 5 and wanted me to come over Sunday to "show" me how to do yoga on the Wii Fit machine. She said "grammy it hurts, but I'll do it one more time just to show you how' LOL bless her little heart. Gosh life is good.

Stay warm everyone. Looks like we're gonna have a heat wave tomorrow.

You know what's strange? I had told Tom a while back about you, and had told him the name of the town where you live. He suggested that I take a day trip one of these days to go visit you. When we were going to Yale, he said, "You should have told Ooopsy that we were headed this way. This is close to where she lives." Of course, since I'm new to Michigan I had no idea. C Roy told us that the meat would be ready to pick up in a couple of weeks, after it has aged. I'll let you know when we'll be heading back up to pick it up.
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Geez is it spring yet!
Hi all I am from NC but moved here 2 years ago. I have a small preservation center in Lawton. I raise Heritage and rare breed poultry. http://www.rockymeadowspreservation.com
If anyone is interested I try to help those just starting out by offering eggs for swap. If anyone is interested let me know or if I have surplus eggs I would be happy donate to help you out. Just PM me. I am looking for Gold Lace Cochins, to go with my 2 hens. Delawares, Buckeyes, Javas. But will accept anything I don't already have.
Welcome to Michigan, Rocky Meadows!
I'm from Tennessee myself...been here 8 years and still not quite adjusted! I have heritage Delawares, but won't have hatching eggs until spring. My birds are from a private breeder's stock...not a hatchery. Glad you joined the thread!
Welcome Rocky Meadows, what part of NC are you from? My dad was from Halifax. I am from Ga but have been here for 21 years and like Shelley I am still not quite adjusted.

Shelley, are you the one that had a delaware hen just at the POL at last years chickenstock? She had an egg in the crate with her. I was so tempted to buy her and wish I had, but I promised DH that I wouldn't spend too much. I am going to have to start putting a little money aside for this years chickenstock.

I saw a young hawk today, it swooped down by my bird feeder. I just hope it stays away from the chicken coop.
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Hi HH!!!! No, it wasn't me with the Dellie hen at chickenstock...it was Zephyrcreek (Ellen). The only thing I took to chickenstock last year were Silkie chicks...and that's probably what I'll be taking this year as well. IF I have any spare chicks of other breeds, then I'll take those too, though!

Hope everyone gets out and enjoys the warm weather tomorrow. I'm off to finish updating my website. Take care and good night everyone!
All this talk about people from the south having trouble acclimating to Michigan's cold winters got me to wondering. We moved here when I was about a year old and I had always enjoyed winter. Hunting, ice fishing, skiing, snowshoeing, I loved them all. Until a couple of years ago. The cold seems to settle into my bones, my joints hurt, hands don't seem to want to work. I had thought that it was just the price one must pay as they get older. Now thanks to you I realize that it isn't age, it's my southern roots resurfacing.
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