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AWWW shucks guys...thanks for the compliments!
(blush, blush)
I'm so glad that everyone is happy with their Silkie babies. I just love all of mine. I finally have my colors separated, so this year I should have LOTS of fluffy butts!

I sure hope everyone is handling this weather ok. I'm just staying busy, as usual, and I've started homeschooling my son...so my time on BYC has become limited. I just wanted to pop in here and say "Hi" and let you all know that I think of you often.
Hi Shelley
I just hatched some chicks you can see a page or two back. No silkies, momma silkie isn't laying yet. The silkies Cass bought are wonderful, and doing so well here! They are riot, and never a dull moment. I know she wants to get more, so you'll be hearing from us at some point. I don't know if she wants to try hatching them, or get chicks. I'll let ya know!

Those chicks are precious, Bluemoon!
Congrats and great job!

Tell Cass that this year I've got pure colors. I've got BBS, Red/Partridge, and White...her choice. Sounds like you've been hypnotized by the Silkies!
They've got you good, don't they!
Those chicks are precious, Bluemoon!
Congrats and great job!

Tell Cass that this year I've got pure colors. I've got BBS, Red/Partridge, and White...her choice. Sounds like you've been hypnotized by the Silkies!
They've got you good, don't they!

Yeah darn things. The boy is riot, and my protector. He won't let theother two roo's near me. I'll let her know what colors. She might want the BBS or the partridge again. I personally like the partridge. They blend in well free ranging! You couldn't see them at all when they were out with the big guys.
To Bluemoon

Mom, they're adorable! I wish I were there to see them. D: They're just too darn cute. If only I could bribe dad to let me get chickens. >.> Oh the adventures we would have. xD

Anyhow, I'm glad the hatching went well. I can't wait to see them this summer. ;D

Love ya~
Cass, glad to see you on here keeping track of our goings on. I hope you are going to be here for Chickenstock. If your mother doesn't have enough room in her vehicle for all the chicks you want I'll be glad to haul them for you.
I'll send you updated pictures. They will be going out to the uber brooder in a few days. I think you should paint that on the door since that what we have named the thing now.

Good Luck bribing your Dad.
You are right it would be an adventure.

Good Morning everyone!

Mornings like this remind me of my Gramps- he was always awake. Sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee. Im sure he slept- but he was there when i would go to bed, and there when I would wake early in the morning, before anyone else was up. He and I would drink coffee together and talk about his old days. Nice memories. I think of him when i am up at this crazy time of the morning, having my coffee. I just dont have his deck with the beautiful view of the farm fields below- at least not in the physical sense. They are there, in my mind.

I had a stupid argument with my husband last night. MEN- when you can no longer hear correctly, you need to get hearing aids.
There, that is my public service announcement.
I have a new- old cat. Courtesy of my brother-in-law. One of those idiots who moved and decided their family member of twelve years was not going with him to the new house. He called me up and told me if I wouldnt take it, he was going to shoot it. And he would have. This family thinks way different than I do. I am thankful my husband does not follow this way of thinking.
So, I am now trying to integrate a twelve year old cat into my crazy household full of cats and dogs. My daughters have a walk-thru baby gate at their doorway. Old cat cannot jump over it- so when i left for work yesterday, I moved the gate to the hallway/living room entrance. To allow the cat access to the bedrooms and hallway and bathroom- let him learn the layout of the house without dumb dogs sniffing him and freaking him out. The gate has large thing-a-ma-jigs that screw out/in to adjust and fit any size doorway. Last night when I went to move the baby gate BACK to my daughters door way, I couldnt get the darn *&%%% thing to loosen up. I turned the knobs, wiggled, kicked, and finally mangled the gate to unusable- only to discover my HUSBAND had screwed the thing-a-ma-jigs to the wall WITH ACTUAL screws. WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!! I was so angry. Totally destroyed a $65.00 gate. Well, I did it worse by kicking/twisting/etc to get the gate free of the doorway. WHY would he use screws????? Oh I was angry. WELLLLLLL, he came home and I threw a fit- and he got mad. Said I TOLD HIM TO. WHAT?!?!?!?@> no, I didn't. absolutely i would never ever tell him to permanently screw a perfectly working gate to a temporary location. With screws. Into the doorway. ever. Oh, yes, I may have said it needs to be screwed. You turn the thing-a-ma-jigs and they screw out/in to adjust the size. ARRGGGHHH!
Heck, I may have even said, "Screw it!!" when I put up the gate after fiddling with adjusting it so it wouldnt be loose. But I never ever told him to put screws into it. There is no logic there.

So, that was my night. And now, I have no way to allow the cat to check out part of the house without two huge 85 pound horses terrorizing him. And without the beagle eating all its food.

Anyhow, I hope you all have a great day. I have to work today, then tomorrow off. YAY! We are supposed to warm up to the thirties next week- yayyayayay. I remember watching the weather and saying, "OH MAN, its going to be in the thirties, its going to be so cold." Now, I have been humbled, and can't wait for it!
Good morning everyone! I got an email this morning from eggcartons.com I thought some of you might be interested in. They are offering free shipping for 7 days:

Free Shipping* FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS on any in stock items from our warehouse until Midnight, Wednesday January 20, 2010!!

You just need to enter the word "JANUARY" in the coupon code box before you click checkout. Just passing this on
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