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I wish I had of made it to Chickenstock, next year next year....I show dogs and I know the area well, I will bring my old lady dog and you guys can shower her with attention, she still thinks shes a group winning grump, despite being old spayed and shaved down, The pictures are wonderful and I am so glad you all had a good time, the birds are GORGEOUS, anyone take pictures of the food?It probably disappeared to fast ..lol...
LOL they BYC edits the word b**ch
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Oh Keyt, Im so sorry!

Find comfort in the fact that you gave her a wonderful life and treats and love and while her life may have been short, it was a good one.

Drakes are ruthless and rotten in my opinion. Ive seen it here and that is how I ended up giving (you) my boys. I do not like their non-stop 'must mate'....'all day' attitudes and behavior.

When I took the kids fishing on Friday, there is a huge flock of ducks on the river. Mostly mallards but there are rouens, mixes, pekins and some I dont recognize, as well. There was a group of ten males or so chasing a lone female across the lake. She was protesting and they were pursuing.
She came on shore right near us and the males werent that brave. She stayed about five feet from us until they were gone and then she went back into the river.

Here are some that I took:

One of these geese are not like the others...


heh heh, Aric keeping an eye on Keyt- to see what else she is getting...


I couldnt decide if I was in awe, or if I was horrified...so I took a picture of the woman with the roosters-


Once Krisrose gave the gosling to my Kayla, it was love at first site- and Kayla didnt look at anything else the rest of the day:



This young'un did NOT want her picture taken:

She was serious:



I LOVE THIS PICTURE. I hope he got to have one of the goslings:




The line for the food:





Calling names in the raffle:



I have more, but BYC is giving me a hard time- saying 'wrong file type' with many of the pictures. They are all jpeg- all saved at the same time, so I will try again this evening to add more.
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Good morning Michigan!

Keyt...so sorry about your duck!

Loved the pictures everyone...thanks for letting us experience Chickenstock via photos and stories!

Chickmate...Wynette breeds Marans. I think she went to Chickenstock..she breeds Jerseys, Marans and I forgot the 3rd breed.

We planned on going fishing today but the wind is kicked up here...I think the storm is coming in faster than predicted so will check out the weather report first.
Enjoy the day everyone!
HAHAHAHA LOVE the pic of Aric watching me....I'm stealing that!!! I really did get the stink eye when I brought the bunny back ...actually, when I brought anything back!!! lol
Out of the dozens of ducks I've had in my life, I've never seen any as bad as these 3. The ones you gave me aren't bad at all. In fact, they're the quietest and best behaved boys I have...and I'm not just saying that!! We call the swedish mix drakes 'farm boys' because I refused to give them names because I never liked them from the start and they came from a big farm nearby. They tag team every female out there. I have seen other drakes like Jax bite one of them then they all scatter.

Then to top things off, both of the heating elements in the water heater went out last night so we have cold showers til Friday. Heck the river is warmer! lol
These 3 BSLs are quite the escape artists. Half inch mesh defines their run and yet they are still getting out and roaming the yard.
Maybe they are looking for the other birds.

Nice thing is that the dogs do not seem interested. Well, the Golden does but she's not trying to catch them, justs watches peck then goes to see what they found. Silly dog is eating crumbles now.

It's way too quite here.

Oh well, I'm off to lay block.
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