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How do you do your pond??? Is there a plug you can pull and let it drain. It seems awfully big to turn over and dump. Im just wondering. I have ducks too and would like to let them have something bigger than a kiddy 45" wading pool someday. But mine gets so green and nasty and has to be dumped every few days just to keep THEM healthy.
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There was a crazy amount of food. I didn't even get to the desserts!
welcome Kane! I am just North of you. The west side of the state needs more posting people.

Chickawana, there is not drain. The ducks are only in the pond a few minutes every day. They have a little wadding pool that they use mostly that gets dumped every other day. The big pond can be drained with a little fountain pump that I have. There is electric right next to it.
I went and looked at your page...funny how things keep growing isn'tit?

wondering, did you ever read the book "The Seven Daughters of Eve"? I have it, it's great.
There was a crazy amount of food. I didn't even get to the desserts!

I only ate salads, but every one I had was great.
Was gonna try a pinch of the smoked chicken, but didn't know which one it was so I didn't.
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