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Andy, it's always a good idea to have your broody hen and her chicks separate from the rest of the flock. Chickens are know to kill chicks that aren't their own. Cannibalism is quite common and never a pretty sight. As for the eggs that haven't hatched I wouldn't give up on them yet. Just because she has gotten off the nest doesn't mean she would continue to incubate them. I would wait 3 or 4 days before removing the eggs.

Jamie, with the walking dust mop chickens trying to figure out if the pullets or cockerels has got to be hard. Heck, sometimes with some of the puffier ones it's even hard to tell which direction they're heading in. It's my understand that silkies are often late to start laying. Some that my son had went 36 weeks before laying. Besides being useful for furniture dusting, they make excellent mothers and they go broody often.
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Andy, it's always a good idea to have your broody hen and her chicks separate from the rest of the flock. Chickens are know to kill chicks that aren't their own. Cannibalism is quite common and never a pretty sight. As for the eggs that haven't hatched I wouldn't give up on them yet. Just because she has gotten off the nest doesn't mean she would continue to incubate them. I would wait 3 or 4 days before removing the eggs.

Jamie, with the walking dust mop chickens trying to figure out if the pullets or cockerels has got to be hard. Heck, sometimes with some of the puffier ones it's even hard to tell which direction they're heading in.

Opa, I have to ask, who's HARLAN??
Better known as Colonel Sanders I'm sure his advice would be "Fry em".
Andy, it's always a good idea to have your broody hen and her chicks separate from the rest of the flock. Chickens are know to kill chicks that aren't their own. Cannibalism is quite common and never a pretty sight. As for the eggs that haven't hatched I wouldn't give up on them yet. Just because she has gotten off the nest doesn't mean she would continue to incubate them. I would wait 3 or 4 days before removing the eggs.

Jamie, with the walking dust mop chickens trying to figure out if the pullets or cockerels has got to be hard. Heck, sometimes with some of the puffier ones it's even hard to tell which direction they're heading in.

Opa, I have to ask, who's HARLAN??

Ha Ha Chic! You never ate at KFC?
Woo Hoo! Congratulations chikk! Isn't it exciting to get your first egg? It's like "oh my god! My chicken actually laid an EGG!!" I've got 2 1/2 doz. eggs in the fridge right now! Most of them are little blue and green pullet eggs, but I have a BR that's giving me an egg almost every day and one of my ISAs consistantly lays HUGE eggs. I just can't wait till my Black Copper Marans start laying!

Welcome Hopper, so glad to have you! Great group here.
Woo Hoo! Congratulations chikk! Isn't it exciting to get your first egg? It's like "oh my god! My chicken actually laid an EGG!!" I've got 2 1/2 doz. eggs in the fridge right now! Most of them are little blue and green pullet eggs, but I have a BR that's giving me an egg almost every day and one of my ISAs consistantly lays HUGE eggs. I just can't wait till my Black Copper Marans start laying!

Welcome Hopper, so glad to have you! Great group here.

It's awesome, felt like a long wait since 1st week in April, but now I am looking forward to many many more.
I know, I know. I'm just a worrier!! I hate it when any of my animals are sick and I will sometimes sit on the computer for hours reading. Maybe that's my problem. I know a good portion of what you read on the internet isn't true but I can't help it!

Today was coop and run cleaning day. Everyone loves it because they get fresh coops, muddy runs and fresh water in their pools. But once the ducks got all wet they looked worse!


Sadie looks the worst. Her neck is going white which looks really strange! She's lost a little weight so I'm throwing in some extra cracked corn for everyone.


Sasha and Brownie really look different! Sasha's all white on her neck and around her beak. Brownie is just dull looking.


Laffy and Taffy, my new little 3 month old magpies.


Laffy the female. My daughter came up with the names because she sounds like she's laughing when she's quacking!


Taffy the male


I don't think they had a water source where they were, at least we didn't see one so they're really digging a pool of their own!

So, despite all my worrying, I know it's molting. I just didn't remember what it was like when I raised ducks growing up.
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