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Did the vet know what was wrong with them?

How utterly stupid of me not to ask!! I knew it was respiratory, and she did not take any samples so I dont know exacltly. I guess I could email her and ask her though!
Thanks everyone. We are so excited about Clark (Clark Kent). We went out and got him an new Wabbitat (that's actually what it's called). Wendell decided to pose with him. lol

Oh! I so totally want some offenders!

Nova, you must read your posts before you push SUBMIT! They are just wild. What was the one about death wire and a coin? What were you trying to say?

p.s. very good for making me laugh however!!

Farmerboy - I hope your peafowl has something very treatable! I am praying for that!

Jaime - congratulations on Clark! Handsome!

SJ - Hope your beautiful BR rooster got a good home!
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