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Whew! Ya'll are chatty.

I just got back from a conference. Got in a little earlier than I expected to today so that's good. I just scanned the last few pages so if anyone addressed me specifically and I didn't answer, apologies.

Farmerboy - The Jersey is beautiful. I love them when they have a nice dark mask. Don't let cute sell you though, make sure you do your due diligence. You don't milk cuteness.
:lol: True, I have asked more pictures of her. They may email me them tonight.
Daron, do not be distressed, not all respiratory infections are MG. Especially in a wandering dodo bird who doesn't know his way home. Remember Fife had her birds tested when they had signs of upper respiratory problems, and they are fine
Thanks for reminding me about Fife's flock. I had noticed the pea's eye being ''dirty'' last week before running away, was going to check on it, but the door being shut locking all the peas out made me forget about it. :rolleyes:
ETA: I thought the gardeners here would be especially interested. It's just a prediction, of course. Anything could happen. But with this in mind... I do believe I'll try some early planting.

I'm with you. I think I'll move up some planting by 2 or 3 weeks. The only bad part is going to be trying to work the soil with all that extra rain (if we actually do get it).

I was always skeptical of those prediction charts and models before. Now that I'm learning how to do them, I'm even more skeptical.
kimmie, use hardware cloth. Chicken wire is death wire when you've got coins that are persistent.

Mostly agree. Except that when paired with hot wire chicken wire tends to be just as effective, ime. Just check your hot wire daily to make sure all is working well and you should be set.
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Kimmie, I agree about the hardware cloth, at least for the bottom 2-3 feet and underground another foot if possible.

Taprock, there is still 23 days to set for the easter hatch. So you have plenty of time to hatch some now and set again then

And why join the Easter hatch? So you can have some of THESE

Lavender bantam Ameraucanas and one splash bantam Cochin
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Kimmie, I agree about the hardware cloth, at least for the bottom 2-3 feet and underground another foot if possible.

Taprock, there is still 23 days to set for the easter hatch. So you have plenty of time to hatch some now and set again then

And why join the Easter hatch? So you can have some of THESE

Lavender bantam Ameraucanas and one splash bantam Cochin
Awww. More cute chicks
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