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Hellos to the Michigan thread!

I'm brand-new to byc, wanted to pop in and see what Michiganders are up to.

Anyone else in Detroit?
Im in Taylor!!
Beware of stalkers here on the forum.
Three of GC's finest were just here on a skunk report. They had print outs of several BYC posts and photos.
Having an obsessive stalker is kind of creepy.
Tell Crabbys daughter to BRING IT ON...only lets do it old style...Im not far away, does she want to meet up?????

As far as Sebastian goes...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
She fell for that one hook line and sinker...
SO, do you think we should post about the ELEPHANT we have in your spare room yet??? Come on, Randy..post pictures of the little pachyderm...Tell her where I think she can shove that one...

I cant believe they really thought that you have a skunk there!! I love making people show their true colors- especially when they end up being dog-poop brown!
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Im in Taylor!!
Tell Crabbys daughter to BRING IT ON...only lets do it old style...Im not far away, does she want to meet up?????

As far as Sebastian goes...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lau   She fell for that one hook line and sinker...
SO, do you think we should post about the ELEPHANT we have in your spare room yet??? Come on, Randy..post pictures of the little pachyderm...Tell her where I think she can shove that one...

I cant believe they really thought that you have a skunk there!!  I love making people show their true colors- especially when they end up being dog-poop brown!
think they know about the possums?
Too bad we can't have members only private threads where only byc members can be viewing them... But... Guess that wouldn't matter none now that I think about it...

Well, on Facebook they have a thingy that enables you to show only certain people, like a group. Maybe that could be done here. Thinking out loud, or rather, fingers thinking for me..

what was that tag line, "Let your fingers do the walking"?
Well, on Facebook they have a thingy that enables you to show only certain people, like a group. Maybe that could be done here. Thinking out loud, or rather, fingers thinking for me..

what was that tag line, "Let your fingers do the walking"?
That would be perfect! I'm constantly changing my privacy settings on Facebook. Makes me feel tough sometimes lol
And the otters. I can't believe they missed the otters in the pond. Of course, they are really good at hiding.
As far as Sebastian goes...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
She fell for that one hook line and sinker...
SO, do you think we should post about the ELEPHANT we have in your spare room yet??? Come on, Randy..post pictures of the little pachyderm...Tell her where I think she can shove that one...

I cant believe they really thought that you have a skunk there!! I love making people show their true colors- especially when they end up being dog-poop brown!
they can become blocked and rupture. That is painful. It could be inflamed. We have had to do surgery on the chronic ones. Does the vet say that he wants to infuse or remove? There has to be more to the story...why would the vet say leave it? Is he on medicine? Why would the vet say surgery? What did he predict would occur if they leave it? Surgery is never a fun thing- many times, as in almost always, they are then incontinent for a long time.
Are you sure its not an anal tumor?
Anal sac surgery does have risks, but if done by a decent surgeon it rarely results in incontinence, even temporarily. The presence of scarring, a tumor, or infection increases the risks. Sometimes it is best to treat infected glands with drainage if needed and antibiotics and wait to see how they heal before seeing if surgery is nescessary.
I would say tumor or syst... I looked up pics of AGs and found NOTHING like it. I should have gone to vet school... Heck with a bad diagnosis like that I could be a vet.
I mean he didn't even check to see if he could feel 2 AGs!!
I told them to see another vet and get a second opinion.
He gave them 2 choices... surgery and risk putting him under or leave it.
Hellos to the Michigan thread!

I'm brand-new to byc, wanted to pop in and see what Michiganders are up to.

Anyone else in Detroit?
I am in the OC!!! Oakland Co. that is.

Are you in D town or near it???
Such is my DH, i just found out last night that he and his dad are going to pick up his sister's kids from out of state tomorrow. What????! I can barely keep up with things right now! When are they leaving out? don't know. When are they going home? Don't know. What are they going to eat? Don't know. Never mind we are flat broke............which is why i'm riding my bike. Uuugh. (But this time it was the fault of the air conditioner, we had to spend $250 because it was literally the ONLY one we could find) So Nova, you are not the only one with man-issues!
Sometimes i think what i need is a good female roommate to split bills with! (No, i am not swinging the other way, i would still keep him, just not live with him!)
I hear ya sister!
As far as Sebastian goes...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
She fell for that one hook line and sinker...
SO, do you think we should post about the ELEPHANT we have in your spare room yet??? Come on, Randy..post pictures of the little pachyderm...Tell her where I think she can shove that one...

I cant believe they really thought that you have a skunk there!! I love making people show their true colors- especially when they end up being dog-poop brown!
And the otters. I can't believe they missed the otters in the pond. Of course, they are really good at hiding.
-wonder if they have seen the Emus peeking over the fence at them?

OMGosh did you tell her about all the bats you release everynight?
It seems that they have an issue with nature in general... I wonder if there is a pill out there to cure that...
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