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Scratched20 Glad you could join us. There are some real nice folks here. I'm sure you'll fit right in.
Thank you Opa for the nice compliment. I'm looking forward to chatting with all of you. ooopsy is a wonderful friend and chicken lover.
Welcome Scratched20, to our wonderful world of chickens. (and other stuff sometimes too)

Here is a cute little picture of my grandson. He is dressed as a bumble bee, but his face looks like he is a grumble bee. lol. No, really he just woke up from the ride to grandmas house.

t o Scratched20! I am sure you will find a bunch of wonderful folks here, some of whom are a little crazy, but a great bunch anyway!

Freebie, your grandson is adorable, I want one

YakLady those are great pics, thanks for sharing! My BIL also has a rooster named Frickin

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. It's just another day here since the kids are grown and we never have any trick or treaters here. I spent the day deep cleaning the bedroom
Freebie: Awwwwwwww Your grandson is so darn cute. Thanks for sharing. Grand babies are irreplacable. I want more, daughter says "NO"

Wanna talk about grumble'n, this is Alex last year, he was not a happy pirate in the least. Thought his costume was suppose to stay on the hanger LOL


Once he saw all the candy going door to door, he forgot all about being disgruntle.

Will post pictures of the babie as soon as daughter forwards them to me.
Cute pics of the animals and kiddos!

I ended up with my mini van full of teenage boys, they went to some of the neighbors we know around here, got some candy and back to Grandmas for ping pong and cards. It turned out to be a fun night.

The bad news, my little booted bantam squished her baby. I checked on her about 3 hours after I checked in the morning and she was dead. I think she is so worried about protecting them she sufficates them.
She still has one egg left, I hope if it hatches she doens't squish it. Maybe she is just to young to be a mama....I don't know.

Heading out to clean coops.

Have a great Sunday!
Good Afternoon!

It was COLD on our hayride last night! Kids had fun and got lots of candy for just stopping at 14 houses
the joy of rural life!

Off to fix the portable coop, our new hens are roaming around, the tarp ripped and they flew the coop
So much for a quarintein.

Have a great afternoon!


edited to fix trap to tarp!
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Hey! The sun is out today...

Well with all the nasty weather we've had the last several weeks, I've had more time to work on these guys:


These should make nice little Christmas presents. Here's a link if you would like to see more pics.

Hope all you Michiganders are having a good Sunday.
gorgeous work c! i love them! they will be well received!!!!

so sorry to read about your bantam, DCM!

me and james for halloween last night.....he went begging AND to the KidsFest at church! double dipper! he donated a huge bag of candy to a young lady who missed out due to being sick. i face painted at the KF all night and had a blast. did me in though and it's like the flu is in my face all over again! whatev!


one last hug before he goes to beg for goodies!
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