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Hello All!
I just posted some of my daughter's baby bunnies on CL.

They are "oops!" bunnies. Mom is a mini-rex; Dad is a french angora. They'd make good 4-H showmanship rabbits. Free to a good BYC home. I am asking $10 on CL to cut down on the weirdos. Not that this has totally worked. One woman asked me if she could keep one in a cardboard box, as she does not have $ for a cage.
Good day everyone!

Lovin the sunshine....to bad I have to be at work today until 5:00.....I think I feel a cold coming on, maybe I should go home early:lau

Enjoy the sunshine, it won't last long.

Anyone going to Ohio next Saturday? Oopsy and I will be there...WE ARE SOOOOOO excited!
Hey everyone I've found homes for most of the birds thanks to some great BYCers. But, I still have some left. If anyone is interested in guineas, bantam cochins, old english, or d'uccles please let me know.
Oopsy, come on over! There is plenty to share. Turns out that my youngest has to work so he and is GF won't be here and also my DIL is sick so she won't be here either. It's just oldest and middle son and me and DH.
Hillbilly Hen: thank you so much for the invite. But with today being such a warm day...I stayed outside getting a lot done. The fence got put off but the new grainery building is now completed. 7 indoor coops. Just a few odds and ends to tidy it up. I love my barn. Cant wait until spring to make flower boxes, put up shutters and make it look just like my cape cod house. THANK YOU JIM for helping me out so much and making this a dream come true!!!

I also found the mother load today in walk in cage that I have on the property. Seems the pullets love to lay there eggs in some straw behind a milk crate. So Ive been getting many more eggs from them, then I thought. WOOO WOOO gotta love'em girls.

I went on craigslist last night for hours looking for a used camera. Heck with it, off to Walmart tomorrow for a new Kodak or Nikon as if something goes wrong with it, they'll take it back without question. So pictures coming soon of my grainery project.

Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful day. I know I sure did.

Crazy Chicken Fever: did you pull a "I am sick, Im leaving work trick"?? lol dont blame you. It was to nice to be coop'd up in an office.
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Sounds like everyone is busy and enjoying this awesome Saturday!

We got a ton of stuff done outside, got some Christmas shopping done and now I have 2 loaves of bread rising to bring to a B-day party tomorrow. Big Russ is going to put some venison burgers on the grill! Yum!
Today certainly was an enjoyable day. It was nice having Joe here if only for a short while. As soon as she got up Granny immediately made an applesauce cake since that is Joe's favorite. Since the cake was in honor of Joe's visit she used black walnuts rather than the pecans that I prefer, but still warm cake for breakfast is the "Breakfast of Champions".
At lunch Joe decided he wanted a cake sandwich. A piece of cake between 2 slices of cake. That could be one of the reasons he outweights me by 70 lbs. As a salesman his job doesn't lend it's self to staying in the shape he was once in but he only needs to lose about 20 lbs. Some times I can't believe how my little boys grew up to dwarf me, but if I think back to the amount of food I used to cook for them I guess it explains alot.

as most of you know, we have a critter problem. My mom (KKL) posted this morning, I think its a mink or weasel,based on it dug a hole under our coop,and got in about a 1 inch gap and then bored a hole in all of their necks(2 guineas,5 ee,all large fowl). we are very frustrated and upset if you have any help at all,thanks for your time.

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Hehe! You said "egging her on". Pun intended? It's wierd-I noticed that the four hens who I made saddles for (Jarhead's favorites) are almost always escorted into the henhouse during egglaying time. It seems like when they go in to lay their eggs, Jarhead is either in there with them, or standing just outside the door. When any of the others are laying he doesn't pay any attention at all.

Oopsy, great minds (or crazy ones) think alike! I cleaned out my coop today, too. Funny how much more frequently one has to do that when one keeps getting more chickens. I'm so sick, I swear. I had so much fun cleaning out that coop. The new girls from Steve were all up in my business, watching me and begging for treats. I had a wheelbarrow in the coop with me, scooping up shovels of goop/straw/etc. Hubby is so cool! He built me a long, 3-tiered roost that is attached to the wall on hinges. When I want to clean it out, all I have to do is lift the roost up, prop it, and do my thing. Anywho.. after I was done cleaning under the roost, I put it back down and sat on a clean spot on the lower tier. All these pretty girls came up to me to say hello and try to figure out who I was. It was just too darn cute. I love it that I have such a great variety now!

Since it was so pretty out today, we were out all day. Hubby built an adorable little house for the ducks and he also permanently screwed in the tree branches that the girls like to hang out on during the day in the enclosed portion on the outside of their coop. We put the duck house in there, along with some extra feeders/waterers. The ducks have been swimming in the sheep water trough-it's too cute. When hubby got the duck house put in, I shoo'ed them in and picked them up one by one to put them in the house. they stayed in for like a minute and came out. When we took our nightly yak walk at around 8:00, the ducks were sleeping on the ground outside their house (which is inside the outside portion of the coop, and locked in).

Sooo...I'm so sorry to hear about the problems with predators. Since I'm new, I want to make sure I'm doing things right. When we built their outside coop, we cemented the wire into the ground. We leave the door open during the day so that they can access the fenced-in area that they share with the sheep. They can either run around in the 1/4 acre grassy area that's fenced in with goat panels, or they can explore their own outdoor coop that is fenced in with both goat panels and chicken wire, or they can go in their henhouse to lay. At night, they go in their henhouse to roost, and I close the door to the outside part of their coop. The sheep usually sleep right outside the coop, even thought hey have their own stall that they have free access to (the chickens do, too, but they rarely go in there).

Now that my flock has grown, and I have these precious little ducks...I'm worried. Do you think eveyone's ok? Is there something more I should do? We don't seem to have much of a predator issue here because of the yak. They are natural-born coyote killers, and even deer won't come on our property. We have seen raccoons occasionally passing through, though. Sorry to ramble-just want to make sure my kiddo's are safe.

Have a happy Sunday!!!!
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