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Good morning to everyone. We got quite a bit of snow out in Lapeer. I'm guessing it was around the 6 inches mark. Left for work at 5:30am and made it to work at 7am. Whew, that's going to get old!

Hope everyone stays safe and warm today
Morning everyone!
We got a lot of snow here. Not sure how much, but the roads are a mess (so I am told). Big Russ had to do the driveway once yesterday and once again this morning. Time to get the little ones dressed! Have a great day! Its FRIDAY!!
Hmmmmm... based on all your cool dog vs vermin stories, I think I need to send Macy out to visit your dogs for some training. She will play with little bugs and that's pretty hilarious. She's great big, and she'll put her nose on the ground, with her butt in the air and tail wagging, and poke the bugs with her paw or nose to make them move. She does this until they die. During the Summer, there was a toad that came out every night into the driveway under the basketball hoop. We named him Basketball Toad. Macy did try to play with him a few times, and put him in her mouth once. She immediately gagged and spit him out, though. It sure would be nice if she would attack vermin for me. Can't stand those voles and groundhogs!

Opa, I was wondering what was going on in your world yesterday. Sorry you had a rough day. Hope you feel better today!

It sure is pretty outside. I love it when the sun shines after a snow. Everything looks so clean and pretty. I'm looking forward to getting out there. I have some barn cleanin' to do today.

Opa had asked me to start a thread for keeping track of food items that will be brought to Chickenstock 2010. You can find it here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=3429517#p3429517

also added it to my signature line so that it would be easy to find. I'm looking forward to meeting you all!
That's funny. I posted the above to you, and then noticed you had posted something to me in the meantime. Great minds think alike, I guess-LOL!

If we have any meat left, I will certainly do so. We'll be lucky if we get to keep any of it for ourselves-LOL! It goes fast.
Driveways are cleared, path to coops open. Dave just called and said he won't be here until 11 so I get to relax for awhile. We ran out of time last night so we must go back to yesterday's job and get the 2nd water heater carried out. The awkwardness and weight of a 75 gallon water heater is beyond belief.
I claim that I'm getting too old to work this hard, but I can't imagine not working. Hopefully I will be working up til the day before they slam the lid.
well that darn possum came back when i went to open every one up he slept in the coop all night, i let Greg the Neighbor deal with it.

I not sure how much snow we got, but the kids have no school today,,, Snow Day

so thats my day cleaning up after my piggy kids

they will be sent out side to shovel a path to the chicken and duck coops
Good morning Michigan!
Opa, the thread is started for the attendees. You said you were stationed in Germany, may I ask where? I lived in Viernheim [sp?], X was stationed in Mannheim and first born son was born in Heidleberg. Had I been with better company I think I might have enjoyed it.
We got about 3 or 4 inches of snow here.
I was stationed in northern Bavaria in a town called Bamberg. It was a important historic town and wasn't damaged during WWII. The number of historic sites was incredible. We occasional would go to a church that was built in 1054 AD. The apartment I rented was built in the 1400's and living there was an interesting experience. With surprisingly little effort I became quite fluent in Germany and we had several German friends. I was there from February of 1965 and rotated stateside just before xmas in 1967. My oldest son was born in Bamberg and we gave his name the German spelling, Josef, to commemorate that.
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