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The best part is, since I got Remi last July, I haven't lost one thing to predators! Before that, I lost quite a few to coons, fox, stray dogs, etc. Even though the dogs are in with the goats, the are very aware of our property lines and let me know if anything is amiss. With the economy the way it is, human predators seem to be on the rise, stealing anything and everything, so it is nice to have my own security system out there!
These pups are worth their weight in gold, plus they are giant love bugs!
Well, at least to us and anyone we introduce to them as friends.

We had a rabbit breeder hit a couple of weeks ago here in town. They were at a local show and someone took that opportunity to clear their barn of some very expensive show bunnies, about 40! Someone who knew them, knew where they lived, and which bunnies were worth taking. That is just sad.
Both of your dogs are beautiful Vicki. That is awful that people are stealing rabbits.

We got a lot done today. I finally talked my husband into making a mini transition, broody, time out, or healing coop. He really hates having hurt chickens in our bathroom. (they are in a medium dog crate not running loose) We just took a section in the feed shed and walled and fenced part of it off with a door so I can go in and out. Next we just need to cut a chicken door and attach a run. It is accross the path to the standard chicken coop and yard. So hopefully it will introduce them to each other without getting to beat each other up. We also found an old steel door so my husband framed it into the boys fort. It even has a peep hole. They think that is cool. The best part is we got all this done today and the only thing we had to buy were some hinges.
Today is gloomy but the forecast calls for the rest of the week to be nothing short of fantastic. With rain headed this way today might be the best day to get ready for next Sunday.
Dan, with all of the new people joining our thread I don't know if you have gotten a proper welcome from us. With you being located in Howell you should stop by and visit. Also click on the link in my signature line for information about Chickenstock. Last years was great, this years is shaping up to be even better.
Thanks for that welcome. I was so happy to discover BYC. I'm new to this hobby but am becoming quickly addicted. I have seven laying hens and hope to get more. My to-do list seems to be all about the chickens. My wife is starting to think I'm obsessed. I will check out the info on Chickenstock.
Those ase cute Michelle.

M3C hope you find a place. You should check out the house down from me that already has the chicken coop.

Hope everyone else has a great rainy day and gets all your inside chores done so you can really enjoy the good weather coming this week.
Gosh, everyone got so much done yesterday I feel like a bum! We had an extremely busy day yesterday with Dr. appts, picking up some beeeeautiful chicks and adopting a poochie that I didn't get much else done but laundry! Although hubby finally put the window in the hen house - yay! Now they have natural light instead of just a light bulb
And I love the idea of being able to open the window when it gets hot out and getting more air circulation. Wondering if anyone has any idea if I should replace the regular screen with hardware cloth? I figure that would be better against predators but I'm not sure if it's necessary????

The dog we adopted yesterday is a 10 year old Shih Tzu that came from an elderly couple that had passed away. Their grandson had been taking care of it. Well, she is a little HUGE for her breed of dog - wayyy overfed. Almost to the point when I would think it would be morbid, poor thing. And she desperatlely needs to be groomed. She has so many knots that I think they are going to have to shave her down almost completely in some spots
I tried to bathe her and brush her out but it's impossible. She is the cutest thing though and just wonderful with the kids and other animals. I love her already but hate to see her in such poor shape. The soonest I could get an appt at the groomer was this coming Saturday. We'll just have to bide our time and wait for that cuteness factor to pop out
She is technically my sons dog, he wanted to adopt her and give her a loving home. Of course, mom is already attached to her too!

I hope everyone has a great day today. Looks like it will rain all day, darn. I was hoping to get out and make use of my day in the gardens, etc.

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