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M.sue :

You might have to look up a vet who specializes in livestock. When making small with our dog's vet he said most generally chicken cases are for vets who specialize in livestock / lrg. breed animals. Go figure, who thought a chicken would be considered a lrg. breed animal.

They don't actually teach much poultry science in vet schools, at least not at MSU, and probably that holds true for most US vet schools. At MSU 30 years ago, when I was a potential pre-vet major (and eventually walked out the door with a degree in English:rolleyes:), they made you take a poutry science class as an undergrad because they covered **nothing** in vet school about poutry. I took that poultry science class, and believe you me, it would not qualify you as a chicken vet (of course at the time, I had *no* idea I'd ever own chickens so maybe I didn't pay enough attention
). I talked to a recent MSU vet school grad and not a lot has changed. So the vets who see chickens have likely done extra study/training on their own. Because a lot of the large animal vets would visit farms that also have chickens, there would be more call for them to brush up on their chicken issues than your basic cat and dog vet.

Another possibliliy is a vet who sees "exotic" pets, including caged birds. They would also be more likely to treat your chicken as a valued pet (if that is how you think of her or him). They would also likely charge more, but offer more options for treatment. But in any case it's certainly wise to know in advance who would see your birds in your area should the need arise.​
I believe it! I can't fill my five feeders fast enough! They have one favorite that I have to fill EVERY day! I actually thought it was leaking because every time I looked it was empty. Took it down for regular cleaning with hot bleach water and checked it over. No leaks. The males are gearing up for the long flight south and should be leaving soon. Females a couple weeks later. They're killing me with the constant refilling but I sure miss them when they leave.
Hello fellow Michiganders! I have missed you all and it is great to see those of you that were here before. Welcome to all the newbies out there also. My life was turned upside down before and that is why I wasn't around. My kids are doing great and I got divorced last year. I am happy to say that I ended up with a beautiful girl that attended high school with me and am engaged to her. I am no longer in the Flint area, but have moved to Royal Oak. With that said, I had to downsize alot, and I have a bunch more to get rid of. Sorry for the rant, but wanted to give a quick update on those of you that knew me.

I am giving away some bantams and will post an add in the classifieds if anyone is interested. Thanks guys and gals and see you around!

Hi Derek! Glad you stopped in. Sorry bout your troubles, but things usually work out for the best. Congrats on your engagement.
Stop in more often.

So I haven't been here in a few days. In the morning I'm going to share a craft table with Aric's little brother. Ethan is going to have copper roses and I have some crocheted stuff from baby blankets to caps. I've been working my butt off the last few days to get some stuff done. But in the process of looking for something, guess what I found?? Crocheted chicken sweaters/saddles!! Yup, gotta make me some because of all the bare-backed hens we have!

So tomorrow is the dam festival here in town. It's a festival for all the dams we have around here. Craft tables, games for kids, big car show... http://eatonrapidshistory.weebly.com/the-dam-festival.html is the info if anyone wants to go!!

I've been really sick lately. Not sure if it's allergies or a little bit ago Aric announced he thinks I have sleep apnea. I dread saying anything to my doc because I don't want to have to sleep with one of those machines!!

Well, hope everyone has a good weekend. Let's be thankful we live where we do, it's looking like the east coast is gonna get battered with that hurricane!!

Welcome to all the new members! Enjoy yours stay!!
Greetings Derek & welcome back! I'm relatively new and glad to hear that you decided to jump back on the chicken wagon. There are a lot of great Michiganders on here that offer great advice as you already know and I'm sure you'll have to offer as well!
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M.sue :

You might have to look up a vet who specializes in livestock. When making small with our dog's vet he said most generally chicken cases are for vets who specialize in livestock / lrg. breed animals. Go figure, who thought a chicken would be considered a lrg. breed animal.

I'm just north of Grand Rapids and when I had a problem with one of my girls, I phoned my vet office(many of whom went to MSU) and they weren't able to help me because none of them had any experience with poultry. They told me the closest vet office that dealt with poultry was in Kalamazoo.​
Morning Michigan! I'm in Florida visiting my soon to be 98 yr. old dad...had trouble getting this old laptop computer to work but seems ok now. I'll be back in Michigan on Monday...had to jump in here and say "HI" to sankofgypsy (may have name spelled wrong). That chicken egg laying song had me snorting with laughter! What a hoot...thanks for the laugh and what a great way to introduce yourself.
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