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Uhg, is it RAINING for everyone else? I kinda would rather have snow then the slop and mud. It is foggy and rainy here, and has been for the past few days. I guess a bonus is, that it is above freezing. But weird for mid December!

Ahoy, welcome aboard! You first need to either upload a picture to photobucket (or similar free pic upload service) or BYCs photo uploader . Then post the image in the thread with the URL it gives.
Raining in Jackson also...makes the Christmas lights look oh, so charming
Raining here, too.

Mom - Congrats on your daughters birthday. My baby girl turns 18 on Friday. Funny how many emotions can be turned up by something as simple as a birthday.
Wet morning everyone!
Its pouring here in Sparta. It looks like March out here, but it is only December! Where is the purty snow?

Ahoy, welcome aboard! You first need to either upload a picture to photobucket (or similar free pic upload service) or BYCs photo uploader . Then post the image in the thread with the URL it gives.

thx used the byc one it loaded but dont know how to get it to post lol...said error
A warm welcome to all the new folks from this old rooster. Some days it's tough to catch up on all the new posts, but it is worth the effort because it seem that almost every day someone new is joining us. I wouldn't be surprized if were are the largest group on BYC. I know we have the friendliest.
9chickens! You'll have to change your user name soon, cuz we all know you'll be getting more chicks!!

Raining here in Davison, also. Just a nice soft drizzle right now, but gloomy as heck.
Sam, you gotta stop by more often so you won't get so far behind. But I do admit, we sure have been chatty lately. Best group of BYCers ever. Can't wait until chickenstock to meet all the new people that have joined us. What was that date, Olive, that you're gonna be busy?? Was it June 9th?? Have to remember so I can book the date next month.

Well, heading to Lansing later for a Xmas luncheon. Have a good day all......
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