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Ive been reading ordinances for a couple hours- cannot find anything on feeding birds. However, my parrot is illegal, along with anything besides a combination of dogs, cats, nonbreeding rabbits- for a total of 3.

Rock solid no way around it NO on all fowl.

I discovered that you may not use power tools after eight pm...

but nothing on feeding birds.

Ferrret- this is a residential community, old homes- been the same neighborhood for forty years. No water in the area, there arent even toads in the lawns in that part of Taylor.
They complained because a squirrel sat on their Taj Ma Hal and dropped a peanut shell. The house behind my mom has three bird houses erected, and next door on the other side of her, the house has been empty for about six years. Maybe longer, actually.

Thank you Randy-
and I am waiting for you to win in Garden City, and then I will have you come be a representative here in Taylor and try and get chickens allowed again. Amongst the gang members and druggies and pit bull fighting rings in Taylor.
Aha... my plan seems to be working by bringing Glambka's beautiful eggs. Maybe Opa's chickens won't go so fast from the raffle table.
oooohhh If I cant be first or second, please let me be third...

((waves her hands over the chicks)) yes, yes....world domination will soon be mine! ((insert evil laughter here))

It's also the method I used to fool my husband into bunkin' down with me
....wait...not waving my hands over chicks...the whole willpower leaving thing...LOL

for a minute I was worried you had other chicks on the headboard or something...
Taylor is crazy, why make regulations it can't possibly enforce? I can't see the police going door to door checking for bird baths and feeders lol. My parents built a house on 5 acres next to my grandma and her 35 acres and their other neighbor asked them to move their new bird feeder because it caused the birds to fly over and poop in his pool.
I do not understand the bird bath thing at all. Not even a little bit can I understand it. Makes me insane trying to understand why they need to bother someone like my mom. She doesnt bother a soul- finds solace in her yard, and is so intimidated by confrontation, facing people, etc...it just infuriates me.
I have an aunt in Taylor and grandma lived in Garden City before she passed two tears ago and there are sooooo many other issues that need to be addressed a heck of a lot more than an old lady with bird seed in that area.

I understand not feeding waterfowl because they can be mean and have big messy poop but feeding backyard birds in the middle of a city is totally different.

I can't stand that my elderly neighbors feed the "birds" because the squirrels and rabbits eat it and tease my dogs which makes them bark nonstop but its their choice, and its really my dogs barking that bothers me lol. The rabbits being well fed and multiplying and eating my garden is another story but I would never ask them to stop.
I think my little chickies want to become garage chickies... if they don't quiet down and go to sleep...

They are happy cuddling with me and preening their new big girl feathers.
I need to vent on behalf of my own sweet mother. She has lived in her house for 45 years.
I think we could take him together... just sayin'
Freeze drying has been around for some time - I never got into that. I was skin mounts only. A guy I taught started doing fiberglass rep fish ( again, not my style - too many posers with huge Salmon, ha ha). I think I'd have a heart attack if I came home and saw my departed pets sitting around. Sorta like the Bates guy....
You want to see an interesting movie with taxidermy in it? Rent Tideland with Jeff Bridges... Strange to watch but you have to remember the whole movie is filmed from the point of view of a 6 yo girl... Good movie.
Today is our 18th anniversary and I have not seen him all day, and depending on the cooperation of trees and loaders it could be a while. I'm glad we didn't intend to do anything since I had to go to the dentist this afternoon and didn't think I could eat out without looking ridiculous.
Happy Anniversary!!!! Congrats!!
Yulk on the dentist thing...

Well, here's something nice.
Glambka has donated two prizes for the Chickenstock raffle that I'll bring Saturday:

She is always looking for eggs, especially turkey eggs so if anyone has some to give I'll bring them back for her.
That first one!!!! LOVE

M2M, I suggest that you call PD on behalf of your mother and report on the senior abuse. Get it on record. Also call your county commissioner and do the same. I will call my commissioner tomorrow and find out who represents you and your Mom. Diane sits on the Senior Alliance of Wayne County.
X's a million!!!
ok. crossing fingers,
she really scared me the other day, she wasn't herself. I almost gave up, then the next day she was clear-eyed. Must've know somehow, i have been through a lot with her and her unwillingness to give up has always amazed me.

Also, the day before that i had lanced the top part between her toes that i keep wondering if needs surgery too, and her scab, and soaked again quite a bit and smeared a ton if antibiotic ointment on the whole shebang.
Poor chickie poo...

I do not understand the bird bath thing at all. Not even a little bit can I understand it. Makes me insane trying to understand why they need to bother someone like my mom. She doesnt bother a soul- finds solace in her yard, and is so intimidated by confrontation, facing people, etc...it just infuriates me.
Are you sure that you are her child?

I would look into what Raz said! Senior abuse for sure... He better pray that someone doesn't get ahold of that garage... maybe one day that grill will get too close and a little too hot...
I do not understand the bird bath thing at all. Not even a little bit can I understand it. Makes me insane trying to understand why they need to bother someone like my mom. She doesnt bother a soul- finds solace in her yard, and is so intimidated by confrontation, facing people, etc...it just infuriates me.
Go over to Heritage Park and look for the things that attract birds (and butterflies), take photos and take the ticket to court. Ask why they can have these things in the public area but not in the private sector. I forget the judge's name, but he is a big Master Gardener supporter.

Call me tomorrow when I'm not so tired.
the old me was a shy, easily intimidated human who apologized for everything, including 'saying sorry'..lol. Then I got divorced- and decided that old me was never gonna exist again. Never again.

My mom has gotten worse as she has gotten older. I blame depression. She really doesnt like going anywhere either. Not for long. Getting worse in that department, as well.


like the petting farm with horses and rabbits and chickens and a donkey and whatever else they have? And goosers and ducks...
and a Farmers Market...but oh no, we arent allowed any of things..just pay and visit the 'petting farm'...
If your Mom is like mine, she still has the tags on her pillows and seat cushions that say "do not remove under penalty of law".
During the winter, my Mom accidentally tore one off and called me in a panic thinking that she would be going to jail.

Use your Mom's age and/or depression to her advantage. Can you get a note from her doctor that says feeding the birds helps her enjoy life?
Beautiful eggs! I just disposed of over 2 dozen nice clean white goose eggs because I couldn't find anyone who wanted them. (They were not fertile.) Can she use that large of an egg? (in case I get them again next year.)
Beautiful eggs! I just disposed of over 2 dozen nice clean white goose eggs because I couldn't find anyone who wanted them. (They were not fertile.) Can she use that large of an egg? (in case I get them again next year.)

Yes, she has been happy with duck eggs. Something about turkey eggs though makes them the best for this type of art.
I'm setting up the running water waterer for the hens. Little aquarium pump circulates water continuously through a half inch tube uot of a five gal bucket, and back again. Drinking done through 1.5 inch plastic pipe with 2 inch long by about 1.25 inch deep holes cut every one and a half ft. Pipe is about 5 ft long. Used it all winter with a heated bucket and insulation around the pipe.
Will you post a picture of this? It sounds like the pump would provide a lot of benefits, both summer and winter. I would like to make it as well.
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