Micro Farm Coop Worklog [UPDATE: SHINGLES ON - PAGE 27]

I've been watching your progress with envy for sure but going on my second year I would build it 20x10 and use five as storage space. Good job. or 30 etc. You always want just a few more of a new kind of chicks which require more space. . LOL Jean
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Valspar is the best paint I've used. Try to buy it ONLY in mistints, though--I'm too cheap!!

Sorry about the rain--I watched Friday's Natl. forecast and I could hear you groaning about the fronts about to pass through!!

Farmers here JUST started planting. I only saw only field in crops last week. Supposed to be dry until tonight, and they're ALL out in force. Last year about 1/2 of them had to replant, so this year they're not taking any chances.

Can't do much coop work in this weather, either. Farmer's Almanac is talking about a possible drought this summer. Go figure...
I'd have picked up a mistint if they had any. For inside paint I'll surely do the mistints and save some $$. Else I needed it right then and there, so $25 it was.

Clear skys till midnight tonight for us or so, so I'm planning on tilling part of the garden this afternoon and seeing about getting more out. Really got to get it all in the ground, but as long as we get half out, I'll be happy.

Not like it's a big garden though. Only 66x50' or so.
Very nice coop!
I need to finish mine very soon and work in the garden too. Have a comment on your potatoes- I grow mine in sort of raised bed too, really it's a glorified complst pile in the works. Just keep piling on straw, leaves, whatever to keep the plants covered; you should get plenty of taters.
I'd heard of doing it that way before and may do that next year or so. For right now we just need a no fuss, no muss garden, so single layer it is.

Maybe if I get my compost bin built I can do a bin of potatoes each year and then just move the cover material to the bin beside it when harvest time comes. Looking at doing three bays, if not four.
Well what you have put up so far looks good i hope you keep putting up pics it looks really good i like the way you are making your coop so far and how mean chickens do you have jw
I'd heard of doing it that way before and may do that next year or so. For right now we just need a no fuss, no muss garden, so single layer it is.

Maybe if I get my compost bin built I can do a bin of potatoes each year and then just move the cover material to the bin beside it when harvest time comes. Looking at doing three bays, if not four.

I've done potatoes with straw on top, they turn out great! That is the only thing I have "in", or should I say, on top of, the ground. I'm trying to harden off the other plants out in the cold frame box so I can get them planted this weekend. Its still so flipping cold out here.

Sorry, back on topic...how many coats of paint did the floor take? Do you think that will work the same as vinyl?
Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil :

how many coats of paint did the floor take? Do you think that will work the same as vinyl?

The floor was just one coat applied with a brush. It went on pretty heavy in order to get into the groves of the OSB. As for if it works the same as vinyl, no, it's much better. Basically it's like the paint on your car and is enamel based. It won't ever peel like vinyl would.​

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