Mid January Hatch thread....

I just candled my eggs and it looks like the ee's are doing great with lots of veining already. Only one of the twelve looked bad. I think it is scambled- lots of air bubbles. The other 20 are not doing nearly as good, but I did see eight that are growing and one blood ring so hopefully they will make it. I plan on looking again at ten days to get rid of the ones that aren't good.
We will be putting our eggs in the incubator on Saturday Jan 31 hoping for a Jan 21 hatch. It's our first time hatching and we are excited! We plan to pick up our eggs Saturday from the breeder... 4 splash Marans, 4 brahmas and 4 Ameraucanas. I'd love to get my hands on a few White Leghorns too but I cant find them locally so far.

We'll be using the Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance and its our first hatch.

This is going to be fun!!!

This being my first hatch, I can use all the help I can get
ok I need some help!! I have a broody hen for the first time. Really, really broody, this is about day 4 or 5. There are no fertile eggs however!! So , yesterday I ordered my first hatching eggs, 8 of them. They should arrive Wed or Thurs. So what should I do NOW? I have 19 hens altogether, their coop is part of the barn, with a large fenced pen outside the barn. The nesting boxes are on one wall of the coop, and she has claimed one of them. Yesterday she changed boxes, and sat on another hens egg, I got the egg to take in with the others. In the meantime I talked to the guy I'm ordered the eggs from, he said put the egg back under her until the other eggs come, so I go back out and put it under her, a little later she knocks it to the ground. So I pick it up and put back under her, and this morning it is still there. But don't I need to try and relocate the hen, the nesting boxes are up about 3 feet off the ground. Do we need to make a separate area for her and the (hopefully) chicks? And should I get her used to it before the eggs get here? Help, Help , Help!!!
a broody hen will even sit on a golf ball!:) Mark a couple of eggs and put them under her while you distract her with a treat. A separate pen is ideal if you can do it. Deb
Goodness! Good luck to you! Being a newbie, I have never dealt with a broody before.... keep us informed how she's handling things... (and you too
My little silkie went broody the day before Christmas!!!!

she is stealing eggs from every where!!!

I will let her have 6 and hope she knows what to do with the chicks when they hatch!!!

I am a little eggcited!
My last hatch turned out to be all Roos!!!!!
go figure!!

I am Hoping I can get a few girls this time!!!

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