Mid January Hatch thread....

Welcome to all of the new people who just set eggs! Best of luck.

April, can you see into your eggs, and they're clear? Or are they difficult to candle? If you can see through and they're obviously clear, I'm thinking they probably aren't going to develop. If they're darker eggs, maybe you're just not going to be able to see anything. I know my EE eggs were sometimes so dark I never could see anything.

Want Less, that's too bad about your shipped eggs getting smashed up.
Eggs are very easy to candle... They are as clear as the day I put them in there.. I can see the yolk move around... NO veins or darkening.... I pulled all but one. It was the only one that was dark. I went ahead and put 13 more in last night. My chickens just may not be breeding as I haven't seen any action....

I have heard that fertility can go down in the wintertime. If they're still that clear, it sounds like they didn't develop.

I hope the next batch you just put in are fertile and start growing for you.

I have a silkie sitting on eggs and I think she may be due the middle of Jan!!!
She keeps stealing more eggs and I don't know what or how many she has!!!

I plan to candle and cull tonite, and hope she has something to make her Happy!!!

Let the games begin~~~!!!!
Just went out to the broody box to get eggs and was attacked by my Bantam Cochin!!! she has decided that she wants to be a celebrity on BYC!!!! I don't know how many eggs she has but!. . . she Plans to keep them All:weee:weee
Hi all,
I have 15 eggs in my bator that I set 12/29. 12 Rose Comb RIR's and 3 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks from Dick Horstman. Also, I just won bid on 12+ German Line New Hampshires last night that will be shipped tomorrow morning. I will get them Thursday and will set them either late Thursday night or Friday morning. I just hatched Buff Orpingtons, Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons and BBS Orpingtons 12/26-28. I had 40 eggs which 24 made it into lock down and 20 of the 24 hatched. I lost 4 so still have 16 little fuzzy butts. Can't say anything about the ones in the bator right now because I don't fool much with my eggs at all from the time I put them in until day 18. I just make sure that there is water in the bator and keep check on temp/humidity. I don't usually have very good luck with shipped eggs but mine are always 90+%. These that I have in there now only had to travel about 50 miles through USPS so I have a little better hopes for these. No airports involved. lol
Good luck to you all.
hi everyone. I tried candeling my eggs tonight. I have 8 marans s, I buff orphan, 1 Cochin, 1 frizzle. The last three I threw in for curiosity to see if they are fertile. Those marans are tricky! I couldn't see hardly anything! Just put them back in. The Cochin is definately developing, the bo doesn't appear to be and the frizzle kind of does which could be interesting because she is in with my giant LF Cochin roo! Lol
Uugh! Im am waiting for these eggs to finaly come. Im just finding out Im not a patient person
lol. Ive had the incubator test running for like 2 weeks already and the eggs are coming next week, meaning the bator would have been running 3 weeks by the time the eggs come like Im some phyco doing some imaginery hatch

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