Mid January Hatch thread....

I cycled my bator for 2-3 weeks before setting eggs, and the eggs have been in since the 31st. Woke up this morning to 94deg temps and a malfunctioning thermostat. I had another bator in the basement with a water bed thermostat running that I was going to use as a green house to start seeds for my garden. I took the eggs out of the bator, took out the hot water heater thermostat and replaced it with the water bed one. Now I'm sitting here babysitting the temps. they seem to be holding pretty good, I know not to make any drastic changes as it nears its sweet spot.
Sounds like we are going to have a nice group of hatchers! I candled last night, and had one that died
but there's lots of little dancing embryos in the bator still!!!!
I just did my official day 14 candle and I still have 13!!! Both polish are still kicking. One that I thought was a quitter was super active. So glad I didn't toss it last week. Even my little cracked egg is plugging along. I do have one that has a HUGE aircell. Not sure if that one will make it. I had one just like it last time and it never hatched. I can't bring myself to open them...:-S We are scheduled for lockdown Sunday morning.
WOOO HOOOO My first set didn't go well and I threw all but 1 of my 12 out... I set 18 on new Years day and 7 are confirmed!!!! 3 of which are out of my new Self Blue OEGB!!!! SOOOOOOO Excited!!! I thought they where not breeding and have been putting the new ones in the fridge... guess I better stop that now!

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It's late on day 20 and two of my eggs pipped while I was at dinner. The old adage of a "watched pot never boils" is certainly true. I stared at those things all frickin day!!
congratulations! I love blue chickens. I can't wait till I can start hatching my hens eggs. I came home from work today and my incubator said 104
. I am pretty mad at the stupid thing right now. It did great for two hatches and now the temp keeps messing up. Moving the eight eggs I just put in yesterday to my broody cochin hen when the first batch goes into lockdown. She is the meanest of the five who have went broody this fall/winter. When she growls it doesn't even sound Like a chicken! Lol. anyways.... The eggs due mid Jan are not doing so great. Only one silke still looks good, maybe five bantam cochins, and I didn't check the ee yet.

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