Mid march hatch a long

I have a few that hatched 3/6 and some to hatch 3/11, 3/15, 3/16 & 3/19. Also have some ducks to hatch 3/28.

The SLW (dark chick) is actually 2 weeks old but good for warmth.
The larger two light chicks are salmon faverolles and the tiny chick is a white jap. These were hatched March 6th
I'm bummed, even though I've got 24 good eggs with chicks still growing in them (and going into lockdown tomorrow night) but my very darkest BCM eggs were all clear. I candled them again last night and they were bright all the way through...I was so careful to make sure there wasn't anything dark inside that I was missing- so when I took them out to egg-topsy, I was just making a tiny hole at the air sac end and then proceeding from there...they were just warm clear eggs- air sacs looked fine, and inner membrane around the yolk and whites. 2 did have blood rings, so those 2 did start something- but the others didn't even start. They were shipped eggs bought from the BST threads here on BYC, but why did just the darkest ones not grow? All the lighter ones seem fine. So disappointing...well, I'll see what I get from these and have to breed any good specimens back to darker egg shell hatched ones next year I guess...

I had read on a post discussing humidity one member who hatches a lot of BCM eggs that the darkest ones always are a problem. I can't remember exactly what it was. I think it was something to do with the darker ones having a thicker shell and not getting enough air??? I'll see if I can find that post again and copy a link. I'm sorry your babies didn't grow.
here is what it says:
You know a lot of that does make sense. Where I am in Niota is the higher elevation but still alot lower then buster is. I have also noticed something with the marans eggs I hatch. The early quitters seem to be the darkest of the dark eggs. Wheaties and I were talking about before hatching them trying to rub off some of the dark coating on the top part of the eggs to allow more oxygen to enter the egg. Dont know if it will make a difference but it is worth a try and does seem strange that the really dark eggs seem to quit a lot more often then the lighter ones.
It is day 14 for me. I have 11 out of 13 shipped silkie eggs doing very well. One was an early quitter, one was smashed, and one had a crack on the big end so I sealed it up with candle wax and is doing very well. I also have one of my silkie eggs and six favorelle eggs growing. My only concern is the air sacs in the shipped eggs seem a lot bigger than the ones from my own eggs. I raised the humidity just a few percent to try and compensate for any excess evaporation but I didn't want to raise it too much for fear of causing harm to my favs. Any other suggestions or concerns from anyone else? Humidity is currently at 47% I had it around 42% before and plan on upping it to 55% for days 18-21.
It is day 14 for me. I have 11 out of 13 shipped silkie eggs doing very well. One was an early quitter, one was smashed, and one had a crack on the big end so I sealed it up with candle wax and is doing very well. I also have one of my silkie eggs and six favorelle eggs growing. My only concern is the air sacs in the shipped eggs seem a lot bigger than the ones from my own eggs. I raised the humidity just a few percent to try and compensate for any excess evaporation but I didn't want to raise it too much for fear of causing harm to my favs. Any other suggestions or concerns from anyone else? Humidity is currently at 47% I had it around 42% before and plan on upping it to 55% for days 18-21.

I keep my humidity a little higher throughout. I try to have 50-55% til day 18...then up to 65-70%.

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