Midget or miniature pigeon


In the Brooder
May 19, 2021
IMG_20210519_132324669.jpg Hello!

I have been raising pigeons for +10 years, and just recently have had a very strange new squab hatch out. The parents are a wild rock dove and homing pigeon mix, more wild than anything. They have been prolific at popping out a new set of babies as quickly as the last set fledged. However, this spring they moved to a new nest location, and 3 eggs appeared in their nest. Another pigeon could have laid it, but I doubt it.

The 3 eggs hatched within 48 hours of each other. I didn't pay much attention to the babies at first. At about 3-4 days old, I noticed that one was significantly smaller than the other two. They all always have full crops, and their parents make sure all 3 get fed and kept warm.

They are now more than 3 weeks old. The two large bois are almost fully feathered now, and little Nugget is just getting some pins and wing feathers. The parents are still great, and the siblings keep Nugget warm and snuggled between them. I'm not sure what will happen when they fledge, or if the parents will continue to take care of Nugget then.

Google didn't give me much on dwarfism in pigeons, other than it is a "lethal gene" and that the young die in the eggs. It doesn't seem to be case here. Nugget is just as healthy, and energetic as the other two. And boy can he eat! While standing on top of his brothers, to reach mom.

Does anyone have any idea what could have caused this? Only time will tell if he grows up to be full sized, but at this point I highly doubt it.

Here are some pictures of the little guy, starting at around 3-4 days old.


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I don't have any experience with such hatching, or dwarfism, Can it be he is just a runt, or a slower developing squab??? I did have one time, two pigeons hatched out about 2 days apart. The 2 day older one was much larger, and certainly hogged up most of the feed from parents. The smaller one struggled to make it, The larger one was almost size of parent, as the smaller one was half the size. The parents gradually reduced feeding both of the squabs as time passed. Left the squabs much, on their own to get their own feed. Lil one did not make it to adulthood.:hit In hindsight, I should have tried to hand feed him, but I thought things would turn out fine on their own.
I suggest you keep an eye on your small pigeon, and hand feed him (if necessary) to have him develop into full size squad.

This is my thought.
There are 3 squabs hatched. Parent pigeons will try to nurse the strongest of the group. (natural instinct in many animals) The smallest one still made it to this point, due to good health, and conditions.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
I don't have any experience with such hatching, or dwarfism, Can it be he is just a runt, or a slower developing squab??? I did have one time, two pigeons hatched out about 2 days apart. The 2 day older one was much larger, and certainly hogged up most of the feed from parents. The smaller one struggled to make it, The larger one was almost size of parent, as the smaller one was half the size. The parents gradually reduced feeding both of the squabs as time passed. Left the squabs much, on their own to get their own feed. Lil one did not make it to adulthood.:hit In hindsight, I should have tried to hand feed him, but I thought things would turn out fine on their own.
I suggest you keep an eye on your small pigeon, and hand feed him (if necessary) to have him develop into full size squad.

This is my thought.
There are 3 squabs hatched. Parent pigeons will try to nurse the strongest of the group. (natural instinct in many animals) The smallest one still made it to this point, due to good health, and conditions.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
I'm sorry to hear that you lost a little one! It's always a hard decision whether to interfere or not. Thanks for your input! I'm adding an update with some new pictures now.
Little Nugget is now 1 month old. His two siblings are just about fledged, and don't spend much time in the nest. Nuggy tries to join them in the perch, but often ends up the floor instead. Parents are still feeding him well, but I'm hoping he will start to eat on his own soon. He still is about 1/3 the size of his siblings, and even his feathers are small. He actually inherited a small crest, something I thought had died out in my flock, but he brought it back. It just adds to the cuteness factor ☺️ IMG_20210604_084511587.jpg


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Little Nugget is now 1 month old. His two siblings are just about fledged, and don't spend much time in the nest. Nuggy tries to join them in the perch, but often ends up the floor instead. Parents are still feeding him well, but I'm hoping he will start to eat on his own soon. He still is about 1/3 the size of his siblings, and even his feathers are small. He actually inherited a small crest, something I thought had died out in my flock, but he brought it back. It just adds to the cuteness factor ☺️View attachment 2706283
Do you have a picture comparing him to his siblings?
Do you have a picture comparing him to his siblings?
Yes, I took these this morning. They are his nest mates, and all hatched within 48 hour of each other. Full siblings, I'm pretty sure. 3 eggs in 1 nest was also strange, but he looks identical to an older normal sized sibling, who also has the crest. Looks about 1/2 their size, but weighs less than that.


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