midwinter solstice celebrations

Some people!

I don't think it's cruel. I am pagan as well, though I don't disagree with anyone else's beliefs. If you don't celebrate Christmas, that's your thing. If they do it's theirs. Why try to force beliefs on others.

What he has never known, he will never miss.

ETA: I don't blame people for asking you about Christmas, I mean, everyone I know celebrates Christmas. It's just polite small talk. When they say you are depriving him, that is an outright lie.
If it were me, I would just say yes and keep moving. Unless of course it was a friend and not just small talk at a grocery store or whatever.
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The retailers don't make much money off of me. I usually buy used toys off of ebay. And never very much because DH gets mad if I spend a lot... Last year DH made a wooden barn for the girl's toy horses and it was free! They loved it!

That wooden barn idea is really neat! And the "not spending alot of money" idea, even neater!
I am a Christian which is why we don't uphold the view of Santa Claus (that is not a Christian belief, never has been, don't want to debate it, period) We do not celebrate Christmas, period, in any way, shape or form precisely because we are Christian. And no, I won't explain it here.
The retailers don't make much money off of me. I usually buy used toys off of ebay. And never very much because DH gets mad if I spend a lot... Last year DH made a wooden barn for the girl's toy horses and it was free! They loved it!

That wooden barn idea is really neat! And the "not spending alot of money" idea, even neater!

It was beautiful! It has a hay loft sliding barn doors and windows with criss cross trim. The roof lifts up on both sides and he even distressed the hinges! He's a excellent carpenter. The girls have kinda 'loved' it till some of the intricate trim broke... but they still play with it all the time.
I agree with others in that it's certainly NOT cruel, and you should conduct your family life in whatever way you see fit.

Celebrate the Solstice with joy and welcome the returning sun and lengthening days with reverence and delight. May your winter season (and every season) be richly blessed!

Santa Schmanta.
I do celebrate Christmas with Santa for my daughter, it is the fun and the "creativity" in the holidays however I also remind her that it is not about Santa bringing toys, it is also about celebrating Jesus' birthday (to most Christian believers) and the moral and spiritual feeling of goodwill toward others in the middle of winter. Why not have ALL of it and have fun with it. You don't need to spend alot to support the stores, etc. but the kids should feel good about giving and taking of the meaning of the holidays of good cheer!

My daughter, I don't know, but she has some idea that Santa isn't real...either she learned it from her classmates, or her older cousin or us, being neutral about Santa and Jesus' birth, wanting only food and fun during the holidays.

No, you are NOT cruel! I think it is a fine thing to do for your kids and who gives a rat's butt what they think!

My Mom thinks I'm a bad mom for buying "well used" Breyer horses for my daughter to play with, I mean, PLAY, as in play rough, drag it and get some good use out of it. I bought two Breyer traditional horses from Ebay, that are older but playable, one had a ear tip broken off but who cares, daughter might end up breaking them due to her playfulness and wants to do all kinds of endurance things to the horses, as in jumping, putting them in trailers, etc. I won't buy her new ones until she wants to do collections and not play with them as much or none at all. Mom thinks it is "contaminated" when I buy Breyer horses from other people who has kids that outgrew playing them or heading for serious collections. Knowing my daughter, with ADD, she would not understand why horses are not meant to be played with when she already has the stables for them.
As a Christian, I never pushed the Santa idea. I want them to know what Christmas is really about.

It stinks to save and shop for the perfect gift just to see all the credit given to some chubby, funny dressed stranger!!

I couldn't have fooled my kids anyway: My daughter was tiny when she asked if Santa was "real or just a bunch of hogwash"!

I told my kids what santa represents to most people. It's a nice story. They enjoyed it like they did their Disney movies.

You are perfectly within your rights to be outraged over what is happening. Maybe the next time someone ask what Santa's bringing you should just say "Who? Never heard of them" and walk away.
I forgot to mention that my kids know not to clue in other kids.

It was hilarious when my 7 year old daughter's friend showed off a new toy that "Santa" brought her. Thankfully she didn't see my daughter's theatrical wink at the mention of santa.

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