Might my Chicken never lay?


Jul 14, 2015
Question: my Sicilian Buttercup is 7 months old. When she was a little chickie she got coccidiosis, but we were able to save her. Is it possible that could have made her unable to lay? Or am I just impatient?! ;)
She'll lay eventually. Pullets that mature in the fall/winter just seem to take longer to start than pullets that mature in the summer. She won't likely start laying until the days begin to lengthen again, after the winter solstice.
I hope this happens for me after the solstice. I have one of five that I know is laying. I may have another, as I've gotten two eggs on a few days. On the bright side, gives me some more time to perfect how to get her to use the dang nest boxes! :D
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I have always raised chicks hatched in June and they usually get laying anywhere from November to January, some breeds don't start laying until 8-10 months, which used to be normal but thanks to sex links and better rations hens are starting really early, but early isn't always better as young layers can still be developing and starting too early can cause problems like prolapse. So patience, she will start when she's ready.
Nitpick: It's not sex linking itself that makes for early-laying chickens. It's just that sex linking allows the males to be separated before they start using food and space. Sure, you could have a breed or hybrid of chickens that lay just as well and not be sex linked, but it'd be less profitable because you'd have to feed and house male chickens until you could pick them out.

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