MIGRAINES - update pg 9

im curious to know if you have siezures regularly? Im wondering because I get migraines, and my brother started at 25 having gran mal siezures. I wonder if there is a genetic link or if these things are linked somehow (siezures and migraines).
Just the word MIGRAINE scares me! I usually get them AFTER some kind of stress. I lose vision in my right eye totally... first time it happened I thought I was having a stroke! I know after the sight goes I have about 20 minutes to take the coldest shower I can stand and get in a dark room. Praise God, I have never had one so bad I threw up and cannot imagine how much it must increase the pain... My doctor years ago told me of a "migraine cocktail". Two Excedrin Migraine, two Midrin and a Dr. Pepper or coffee to chase them down. Did that at onset and it was miraculous. It doesn't always knock it completely out, but it makes them bearable. Once I had to be at an outdoor function and take food and it was 107 degrees. The migraine cocktail knocked it right out...even though I had to be out in the heat...The company that makes Midrin quit making it for awhile... I went nuts...I was like... what's up with that??? Some people really need that! Quit making Viagra and Cialis for horny old men who can't deal with their age... but leave the real medicine alone!! Jeez... I think they are making it again... my pharmacy has some now....Best of luck... I really wouldn't wish migraines off on my worst enemy... they are awful.

I started having seizures when Imitrex caused me to have a near-death experience. I didn't know that the things were seizures for about 2 years, until they became the grand-mal type for a short period. Now they are back to just very light partial seizures - usually provoked by flourescent lights, certain computer monitors, flashing lights, etc.

If I cover one eye when in an environment that might cause them, it keeps them from coming on.

Right now I'm up to 4 Excedrin Headache tabs with a double espresso.
Well, the four Excedrin Headache pills seem to be working -

the pain in the side of my head seems to be abating, but now I'm a little dizzy and feel pretty 'floaty'.
Right now im on Migraine #3 for today

What do you mean "for today"? You've had three migraines today!?

When I get one it usually lasts about 12 hours.​
I am a long term migraine sufferer. Most migraines are triggered by food or drinks. Common culprits are chocolate, aged cheese, yogurt, caffeine products, alcohol, high yeast breads (like bagels) and sugary items. The reaction doesn't necessarily happen right away. It can take 2 or 3 days sometimes for the ingredients in some foods to brak down into their offending substances. For example, you can indulge in chocolate and get a headache 2 days later from it. Caffeine can temporarily give some relief but often has a boomerang effect that can lengthen the duration of the headache. Migraines can also be from hormonal changes. If it is that time of the month, your chances of getting a migraine are greatly increased. My migraines were helped greatly when I discovered that I was diabetic and subsequently got my sugar under control. Swings in your blood glucose (sugar levels) can cause migraines too. I used to take imitrex for migraines (and occasionally still do). It is a lifesaver.
I forgot to say earlier, if these are true migraine and not another kind of headache), taking things like excedrin can also have a boomerang effect and lengthen the duration and increase the frequency.
Usually I get them about 24-36 hours after consuming nitrites/nitrates/MSG. I can't eat most packaged stuff. They put MSG in almost everything these days, even simple chicken broth! The Chinese rest. in town SAYS they don't use MSG, but I have gotten some of my worst headaches from eating there. Now we order everything with sauce on the side.

I would say that the worst, burning, head-exploding, kill-me-now migraines I ever had were from holiday turkey.

When I used to visit my friend who smokes in her house I would get a migraine the next day.

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