MIGRAINES - update pg 9

I forgot to say earlier, if these are true migraine and not another kind of headache), taking things like excedrin can also have a boomerang effect and lengthen the duration and increase the frequency.

I am very lucky this does not seem to be true for me, knock on wood! I've had testing and my migraines are vascular in nature. I had a small TIA a few years ago during a migraine.​
Avoid caffeine first off. My husband takes Zomig for his (a residual from a head injury) and it works if he catches it before it starts.

I actually got rid of mine after 27 years of suffering, morphine and hospital stays. I went through accupuncture. One 15 minute treatment did what 3 days in the hospital on morphine & compazine did not do...got rid of it instantly. I then went through accupuncture therapy...3Xs per week, then twice, then once, then bi-weekly and then monthly for 6 months and I have not had one since I was 28 years old. Which is a fabulous result from the 3 days per week I suffered with them for the previous 27 years.

Accupuncture does not work for everyone but if you are open to it, your results will be better. The first treatment I had it was literally...either this works or I shoot myself. I had spent 3 days in the hospital on a morphine/compazine drip and had the migraine for 7 days total and I wanted to die. 5 minutes into the treatment I was grabbing the sides of the table because I felt like I was dripping through the table. I have never been so relaxed in my entire life. 6 needles at the base of the skull, 1 in each hand and 1 in each shoulder....worth its weight in gold!

Try it.
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hi Ceta...

I tried acupuncture last summer for a particularly bad one. Nobody told me you aren't supposed to move when the needles are in you! ouch! Soon as I got back from the dr's office that migraine came back.

Funny... caffeine keeps me from having more migraines. If I stop drinking coffee I probably get 3 times the # of migraines per month.
I too have major bad migraines. I have had them since i was in the first grade. For years my parents always thought i was making myself sick to get out of going to school. It wasn't until i was 15 that they realized i wasn't making this up. I have had multiple trips to the ER, had every kind of narcotic and migraine med there is out there and about the only thing that ever worked sometimes was 2 800 mg ibuprofen and that was only if i was lucky. Mine when i was younger lasted anywhere between 1 and 3 days . There has been many times i have begged the er docs to just shoot me, I hate the meds they pump ito me and the way they make me feel. I went to neurologist after neurologist and had every kind of test and scan done in fact i had an MRI while having a migraine and still found nothing wrong. Best medicine for me is a dark quiet place with my advil, barf bucket, and lots of pillows to hug and cry into. Now when i get them they are even more intense to the point of possibly working myself up to have a heart attack or a stroke. Last time i went to the ER was about 1 year ago after the bill i recieved i opted to stay home and suffer. It's scary when it happens, if its bad enough it actually feels like you could die. My mother had them like me and she ended up having a brain anurism. Over the years it has been extremely difficult to keep a full time job with the migraines getting in the way of me making it to work everyday and most people who don't suffer from them have no idea how debilitating they can be
Migraines are hereditary in our family, unfortunately.

The times that I have gone in for a shot, the doc said mine are what is called an atypical migraine. First I see spots, then one side of my body starts to tingle/go numb. I cant THINK and end up laying down until the numbness passes.(Usually within a couple hours). I have found that if I take some type of herbal tea(generally chamomile) when the symptoms first present themselves, it ends up not being so bad. However, after a certain point, nothing seems to do any good but go someplace dark,quiet and ride it out.
Oh, also, before it gets really bad, the tea plus a long relaxing soak help the most.
Take daily for prevention

edited to add: From The People's Pharmacy Guide to Home and Herbal Remedies- For the prevention of migraines chew two to three fresh leaves daily or take 125mg of dried herb (with 0.2 percent parthenolide). Parthenolide is one of the active naturally occuring chemicals in feverfew. In Canada they have a standardized feverfew product called Tanacet.
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It's interesting how everyone has something about their migraines in common with everyone else!

One of the things that used to happen with the worst kind of migraine was the lack of ability to think clearly - my DH used to say "what did you take?" And I would say "nothing". He'd ask me "WHY?!", and I'd say "I forgot". So now right away he reminds me to take something, but I don't seem to get those type of migraines anymore - those were usually hormonal.

Ok... so now, what's a "BC"?
www.puritan.com is a vitamin web site but they have some great homeopathy meds. I use their Migraine Relief and Allergy Relief and they work well for me. I recomend these to all my friends, well worth trying. I also use ice packs to the head and neck if I fail to take anything in time.

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