Mike Rowe on Work

Yes, that's it. Give him something he can't resist (cuteness) and watch him as he gets slowly and excruciatingly hooked. He'll join BYC before that lamb's things fall off.

Hey, I'm a Member of the Threadkiller's Anonymous thread now!
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I cannot believe how much this thread has taken off! I'm still giggling. But, you women can have him. Hugh Laurie is much more my type. If I can say that without getting smacked in this thread.

I saw him being interviewed the other night, and couldn't stop watching because he was talking so different, without the accent !
Meh... he's yours! I'll take any of Southernbelle's brothers or Mike Rowe any day!

I enjoyed this thread! Thanks for complimenting my brothers, they're good guys.
They're related to you! How could they not be nice!

Goodnight all my thread friends. I'm leaving work now to go home and watch some chickens. Have a nice weekend.
It was fun... everyone have a good weekend and stay safe
Me.. I'll be working, so SouthernBelle, if you have any more pics you'd like to share of your military brother, I'll be here...
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