Milia spots on nostrils


Fowl play will 🐝 encouraged 🐥🐔
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2021
UP Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
1yr old hen being treated for scaly leg mites Noticed white spots on both nostrils. They are dry, not pus like a pimple. No nasal drainage, no ulcerations or sores on comb, wattles. It does not appear to bother her. No other ear, nose, throat issues. Acting normal, eating. normal stool. Any idea what this is, and any risk to the flock?
Yes, not an urgent question. Curious. No others have the spots but monitoring them.
Suspicious of Fowl Pox, if so just needs to run it’s course. You can do a search and read up on. She looks really like she is thriving so if lit is indeed FP then she should be ok.

FYI you can use Revolution Puppy/kitten strength for mite/lice treatment. Easy to administer - just like your cat/dog drop on the skin between the wings. I treated a Polish Roo I got who had lice. And then ended up treating him again for round worms. Got rid of those suckers also.

She is a lovely girl do you have photos of the others? You should post!
Suspicious of Fowl Pox, if so just needs to run it’s course. You can do a search and read up on. She looks really like she is thriving so if lit is indeed FP then she should be ok.

FYI you can use Revolution Puppy/kitten strength for mite/lice treatment. Easy to administer - just like your cat/dog drop on the skin between the wings. I treated a Polish Roo I got who had lice. And then ended up treating him again for round worms. Got rid of those suckers also.

She is a lovely girl do you have photos of the others? You should post!

OK, wow! this reply looks super funky
Will Revolution work soley for scaly leg mites?
I have no idea what the spots are on the nostrils.

I've never used a product like Revolution on poultry, so couldn't say how effective or safe it would be to use. If there's a withdrawal period or concern of residue, I don't know that either, you'd have to research the active ingredients and come to your own conclusions.

Scaly Leg Mites are traditionally treated by working an oil, ointment or cream up and under the scales of the legs/feet at least weekly for several weeks. This will smother the SLM.
Ivermectin can also be used to treat SLM, withdrawal period is 30 days after last dosing.
Will Revolution work soley for scaly leg mites?
Yes but you will need to also clean the coop and roosts, if you get a louse dusting powder or spray with one specific to treat mites and lice use that to get rid of the pests - otherwise they will just get reinfected.

I was lucky with my Roo when I got him he had lice so he was under quarantine no where near the rest of the gang. So when I treated him with lice it was easy to also clean his housing.

Good luck!
I have no idea what the spots are on the nostrils.

I've never used a product like Revolution on poultry, so couldn't say how effective or safe it would be to use. If there's a withdrawal period or concern of residue, I don't know that either, you'd have to research the active ingredients and come to your own conclusions.

Scaly Leg Mites are traditionally treated by working an oil, ointment or cream up and under the scales of the legs/feet at least weekly for several weeks. This will smother the SLM.
Ivermectin can also be used to treat SLM, withdrawal period is 30 days after last dosing.
Selemectin, ivermectin etc are pretty safe (I once accidentally gave my yearling horse an adult horse does for ivermectin! I freaked out when I realized this, my vet wasn’t concerned, told me the colt would be fine - he was and actually grew a whole hand taller and had the most beautiful winter coat 😆).

This is the info for Revolution:

Revolution works by penetrating the skin and entering your pet's bloodstream. Concentrations of selamectin, the active ingredient, in the tissue and bloodstream prevent heartworm disease. Selamectin also redistributes into the skin from the bloodstream and kills adult fleas, American dog ticks, and ear mites, and prevents flea eggs from hatching. It is also an anthelmintic, which means it fights to expel parasitic worms. Parasites ingest the drug when they feed on the animal's blood. Revolution is safe for pregnant and lactating pets
Will Revolution work soley for scaly leg mites?
Oh and FYI - if she is fighting some infection I would wait to treat the mites with any meds.

You can treat with Vaseline or other heavy oil which theoretically will smother the mites and kill them, if nothing else it may give some relief to your lovely gal.

Have to have nerves of steel to have kids and pets!

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