milk replacer?

I have two Nigis that I started on replacer but kept having scour problems. Everyone suggested switching to whole milk w/2 cc's of pepto int he bottle to ease the transition. I did and now they are doing so much better.

Edit to fix cuz I don't know how to spell this early, lol.
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I have pygmies and I too use whole cows milk from the store when I have to bottle feed. Never had an issue with tummy problem of anysort using it. I do add cream to my bottles since pygmy goat milk is so rich compared to other breeds but otherwise I dont add anything else to their bottles.

I did have two bottle baby Nubians on replacer when I was little, they were our first goats to raise for 4-H. Unfortunatley about a week into it one did bloat and die overnight. That was my only experience with the replacer, we only used it because that is what we had been told to use...
Cow's milk will not kill the kids. I have three bottle baby kids on cow's milk right now, four if you count the lamb. Not one of them has ever died on cow's milk. You can even use cow colostrum if needed rather than goat colostrum.
Replacer is not good. Really, really not good. It is too easy to loose a kid on replacer.
Is the feed store trying to sell you replacer? Nobody here is trying to sell you anything. I won't make a profit whether you choose to use milk or replacer. But I will be truthful in telling you that milk works just fine, while replacer babies die at a much higher rate.

I have a goat due any day that had quads last year. I am just waiting on her to have kids again. All of the does will be bottle fed with cow's milk. It really is fine for them.
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Can I step in and ask if I have already started my bottle goat on replacer, what is the easiest way to switch her to cow's milk? Mix it for a while or switch all at once?
I was told not to mix it at all. This could cause problems. I did not mix nor dilute it but i added 2-2.5 cc's of pepto for a couple of days to ease the transition. I just watched their poo.
Did she get any colostrum before you put her on replacer? If not, you may have problems no matter what you do.

I would just mix the next bottle half replacer/half milk. Then the next one after that 3/4 milk 1/4 replacer, and after that total milk. They usually like the taste of milk better, so it is easy to switch them. Use whole milk, either fresh or pasteurized, which ever is available to you.
The main issue with milk replacer is to get the KID MILK REPLACER, not COW MILK REPLACER!!! That is what the guy at the feed store is telling you COWS milk replacer WILL kill a kid! Been there done that learned the lesson the hard way. We have been using Orscheln's KID milk Replacer and it is working great. First out of the gate I did not have a clue that there was a difference between the replacers but there is!

Michelle, I would do what Mekasmom said. be ready for the scours though, your kid might get them, might not...usually a switch in food causes them
I ran out and bout the goat replacer on my way home with my days old kid, then looked up and found NEVER to use the replacer after I used 1 bottle.. I immediatly changed to whole milk, not one problem, but now what do I do with a fortune of milk replacer.. certianaly it can be used for something.. I sure hate to waste it.. can it be mixed somewhere for someone??

We have angora goats, alpaca, chickens and sheep.. not to mention the dogs and cats.. but no other babies.. what a waste!
OHHH my dog cannot wait till the goat gets his fill of the milk so she can lap up the rest, Her coat is so nice and shiny!!!! I am sure the cats would love it too!!!
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