Milky pure liquid discharge


Dec 18, 2019
So I broke my leg a few weeks ago and had surgery to repair the break. God love my wife for taking over and caring for the chickens. I have 18 birds. I haven't actually been in the run in 4 weeks. It is 50 out today so I crutches my way to the porch to enjoy the sunshine. One of my chicks got out of the electric net enclosures to come see me. She is the one that always gets out. While on the porch visiting me she released a pure liquid white discharge. I don't notice any smell, but it does have small chunks in it. I can't get on the ground to really smell it or get a closer look. My wife has never cared for the chickens so she may not have noticed changes in the coop or run. Does anyone know what this may be or what might help it? We have been very cold lately so we have been just giving bottled water 2 times a day in a small waterer since the normal waterer has been frozen
I hope you make a speedy recovery!

Frozen water stations are the pits. I would make sure they are getting enough water to drink. If possible and you see more poops like that try to snap a photo.
White milky poop can be from a few things - since you mentioned water...dehydration comes to mind first thing.

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