Mille Cochin Info

Joining the ranks of Mille Cochins, thanks to Lynda!......................................Chrisf
Yaaaaaaaaayy!! Chris came and took my MFC roos home with him and I am so grateful! I kept my favorite and I have one that I still am not sure if it's a boy or girl! So I might have 2 which is fine!

It is so great to be able to network on BYC and have everything work out!
Coopa, Thank You!

The MF hen in the third pic is the same as in the first 2. It just amazes me the difference their posture and the angle of the photo can make.

These are my first flock, and I am really glad I got into Cochins! I was hesitant at first bc of the feather feet (can get messy for sure!
) but now I look at my only clean legged (BO) and she looks so naked!!!
Steph, I like the roo in the first 2 pics. His coloring looks really good, but it would easier to judge his type if he were in a normal standing position, but from what I can see, it looks good. He has the coloring that I'm currently looking for - so maybe you should send him to me for further evaluation (which, BTW, could take me an entire breeding season!
The last roo has too much black for my taste. The pullets look like they have a lot of filling out to do before you can judge their type - they still look kindof longish and skinny, rather than round. Still hard (for me) to judge the chicks - they're still very young. I think sometimes the fancy borders can have a tendency to overshadow and detract from the birds - but that's probably just me.

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