Mille Fleur D'Uccle - how do I frizzle?


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Central Iowa
I was wondering if thre is a way to cross my Millies with a frizzle cochin and still keep the mille fleur pattern? I am thinking that I would loose the white spangles and get frizzled birds that have a mostly black head and red body?

If I do cross them what would be the best color cochin to use?
I crossed a mottled jap with a frizzle cochin and this is
what I got.....
Are you using a black cochin? I am thinking I am gonna try my barred black cochin hen with a millie roo and then a millie hen with a black frizzle roo. I wish I had a red one!
Yes, I used a black frizzle hen and a mottled jap roo for this pair...I am gonna cross a few other breed's and will let y'all know what the outcome is...bluedog the mad chicken

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