Mini Barn Coop

Wow Jeff!
Nice job and welcome to BYC from a fellow Coloradan

Jeff, are your goats bucks, does or wethers? If they are wethers they should not have grain. My biggest problem with mixing chickens and goats is keeping the wethers out of the chicken feed. They love it and will practically tear down a fence to get it. I feed my chickens in a covered outside run and it is a constant vigil keeping the goats from finding a way in there. Other than that, they do very well together providing you have enough lawnchairs!


gotta say, Mary you have an adorable page! Love your set up too!

hey, quick question on the minibarn coop. I might have missed it already, that clear panel roof - how's it gonna work? I think I read that it lifts up...but when its down isnt it gonna get hot in there, even in the winter maybe?

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