Mini Barn Coop

That is AMAZING!!!!! Love it!! GREAT job!!!!!! WWWOOWWWW! I dont know what else to say!
My goats and chickens share the same space too. The problem I have is keeping the food away from the goats. My whethers go nuts for the stuff. I haven't been giving it to the hens in a dish, I have been kind of tossing it around so the hens will pick off the ground and the goats are too spoiled to eat off the ground except my female pygora. We are in the process of putting a door between the goats side of the "barn" and the chickens side so I can feed them properly.
PS, very nice coop
That has got to be one of the coolest coops I've ever seen. More a work of art than a coop. Your kids will remember working on it with you for the rest of their lives. Really neat. You should be proud of it.
You can think of it more as an enabling group that will feed your addiction with more eggs to hatch, more chickens to get, more coops to build........more, more, more......

Course you could sell that great coop to help finance your addiction

You ain't kidding. I actually took a few months off from this site. I was buying one of these, two of that, a hundred of them.... And now winter has come to MN. Try buying a half dozen heated water bases just because you picked a bunch of "cool" birds that can't live together! Yep, about $250.00 invested in bases just this month. Can't wait for that electricity bill

Absolutely top notch work there by you and the kids. My kids barely help on projects when it's for THEM! You are very lucky and did a great job working with them.

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