Mini duck pond

Bills vs Beaks

Duck Duck Goose
6 Years
Aug 31, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
Its rained here for 4 days straight. Ducks have been lovin it, especially coz their pasture is very low.
Today I noticed they had made themselves a little pond in the corner of the yard, where there was a puddle

Now please fast forward three hours

I went to give them lunch, and they were still having a grand ole time splashing and drilling and rubbing mud all over themselves...
So I sat and watched them for half an hour (as in completely mesmerized watching them), and then went back to the house. As I walked back, my eyes fell on a shovel.
Youre already shaking your head, arent you?
Well then you know what I did for the next half hour...

They didnt want to go in at first, and I got bored waiting. So I picked Curly up and dropped him in

Then of course, everyone followed

Its about two feet deep, so even the big ducks can swim.

Needless to say, they are still at it...

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
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Beautiful ducks.
AAAAAaaaaAAAAAAAGH!! I LOVE THIS. I DO. U R AWESOME!! THANK YOU FOR THE TAG. TOOTSIE ROLLS OF FOOOT BALLS OF ROUND BATH BURDS. THEY care not that it's muddy and watery and wet. Now they are wetlets. They are happy with their webs and agua. And you got to pick up Curly. So jealous.

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