'Miniature' chicken breeds?


Dec 15, 2020
Hey all! I have Seramas, and I was wondering if there any other 'mini' chicken breeds out there. I know game fowl and silkies can be somewhat small, but I was wondering if there's anything similar to Seramas in size? I really love tiny chickens 😅.
I’d like to see how they compare in size. I almost gotten Japanese Bantam when I was a kid. I wish I had the chance.
I've had both. The Japanese look very like Seramas, a little less delicate in featuring, a little less broody (though they make amazing foster parents). Not too much bigger, depends on the individual.
My only experience were the Sebright. I wish I can have them again! :p
Bantam are interesting. Way different in large fowl.
You're telling me!
See my avvy? The roo is a Serama.
Substitute the snake with an LF Polish roo and you have this morning's fun. Yippee. Lots of blood.

*random comment alert!*

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