
also to note,

be careful when handling a wild mink, they have nasty teeth and claws.
That’s one thing I’m very prepared for, I have thick gloves but once the training gets to the point where I’ll be touching it I’ll get some thicker welding gloves but one of my favorite quotes from Joe is “You can’t make a glove that is mink proof that actually works as a glove”. I’m going away to Florida for the till Tuesday and we’re leaving tomorrow but I’ll rebait and maybe move the traps tomorrow before we leave. I have a pond that is exactly a 5 minute walk from my house and I have a large bait trap in it that consistently catches me mink and fishing bait.
If you are interested in minkenry im guessing by the number of your posts(and the fact that you mainly posted on here) and the fact that you joined today that you googled minkenry and saw this thread.

Yes, I am into minkenry. Plus I have enjoyed having laying hens for many years. And yes, I found your post by searching for "minkenry" out of curiosity one day last week. The book is worth it. Joseph's early videos teach you a lot, however, the book provides more details and is an invaluable resource in getting started. Put is on your all your wish lists. :) Go to your public library and ask if they will put it on their purchase list for the library.

I should be getting my first mink in about 5-6 weeks from Joseph. I have had the privilege to spend time helping him with his mink and going on hunting and pest control excursions.

This weekend we ground up mink food and bonded with the new baby mink. We also went on a rat clean up trip at a feed lot and caught over 60 rats with his dog and a couple of the working mink. We also did a rate abatement at my coop last weekend. Watch for the videos posted by Joseph.

Keep trying with your mink trap. Is that a homemade trap? How well does it work. I would recommend that you set it near some small streams or ponds. You will have more success where they are commonly found, rather that were you may have randomly seen tracks. Keep it baited with fresh bait. You don't need a whole fish, just bits that are fresh. Mink steal from each other all the time and will take fresh tidbits left from another mink. Keep part in the freezer and bait your trap every few days. You may even want to leave some bait outside the trap to entice them.

Just remember, this is the kit season and if you catch a female, the kits will be helpless, so release her right away. Try and catch a male at this time of year. by the end of May and the middle of June it really wouldn't matter what gender you caught, you may even be lucky enough to catch a young one.

Keep us posted on your adventure.

Yes, I am into minkenry. Plus I have enjoyed having laying hens for many years. And yes, I found your post by searching for "minkenry" out of curiosity one day last week. The book is worth it. Joseph's early videos teach you a lot, however, the book provides more details and is an invaluable resource in getting started. Put is on your all your wish lists. :) Go to your public library and ask if they will put it on their purchase list for the library.

I should be getting my first mink in about 5-6 weeks from Joseph. I have had the privilege to spend time helping him with his mink and going on hunting and pest control excursions.

This weekend we ground up mink food and bonded with the new baby mink. We also went on a rat clean up trip at a feed lot and caught over 60 rats with his dog and a couple of the working mink. We also did a rate abatement at my coop last weekend. Watch for the videos posted by Joseph.

Keep trying with your mink trap. Is that a homemade trap? How well does it work. I would recommend that you set it near some small streams or ponds. You will have more success where they are commonly found, rather that were you may have randomly seen tracks. Keep it baited with fresh bait. You don't need a whole fish, just bits that are fresh. Mink steal from each other all the time and will take fresh tidbits left from another mink. Keep part in the freezer and bait your trap every few days. You may even want to leave some bait outside the trap to entice them.

Just remember, this is the kit season and if you catch a female, the kits will be helpless, so release her right away. Try and catch a male at this time of year. by the end of May and the middle of June it really wouldn't matter what gender you caught, you may even be lucky enough to catch a young one.

Keep us posted on your adventure.

Wow! Thank you for your help and advice! I have one homemade trap that I need to fix and one havahart trap, but the havahart is small. They are placed along two small ponds(in my backyard). I’ll make sure to keep in mind the gender. It would be great if you posted a thread or just used this one and documented your journey with training and raising the mink. Are you in any of his videos? Or are you the cameraman?

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