
I'm sure allot of you are use to having something that you contributed to being on your dinner table (other then fish) but for me this was a 1st.. Today I baked one of Raplhies chickens. I cooked it on low and my house smelled wonderful, when the kids came over to move some of their things in I had dinner ready,, it has been so long since I have had someone to cook for. It felt like Home... It felt like my spirit was happy and as i set the table and the kids were washing up I cried i was so thankful for this bird that I knew I helped on its final day, I plucked and gutted and cleaned this bird, i prepared,baked and am serving this bird to my family,, I was thankful that this bird was a part of this joy.. i felt love for this bird and it had no idea. I said my private Thanks to this bird and Thanked God for giving it to me and my Family... It was a Great Dinner.. Thank You again Ralphie for letting me be apart of camp day... and BTW it was Super Good ,,,Best chicken EVER...
Right here. Expressed with perfection. Much to be proud of here. What an experience and the full circle of emotions involved. You nailed it coffee!
Oh!  I love that stuff.  and I used to use it for vietnamese iced coffee, had one of those little things that sat on top of the glass to brew it.  wonder what happened to it....

Out of pity for the cats yesterday I left the door to the screened porch open a tiny bit so they could get out to it.  Must have let a critter in because I have a mouse type thing in the house .   which is why I am awake at 3 am.  hard to sleep when cats are chasing.  hope they get it soon!

We found a mouse in the car food. I can't kill anything with such beautiful brown eyes.

So I gave it to Mietze, our killer cat.
ok, I    wandered over to the main page to browse forums and got a popup button "do you want to translate this page?"  I said no, the button vanished, and everything was in Chinese!   must be time to try to go get more sleep.

Wow, and I was up as well. Decided to stay away from my phone and get more sleep.
I'm sure allot of you are use to having something that you contributed to being on your dinner table (other then fish) but for me this was a 1st.. Today I baked one of Raplhies chickens. I cooked it on low and my house smelled wonderful, when the kids came over to move some of their things in I had dinner ready,, it has been so long since I have had someone to cook for. It felt like Home... It felt like my spirit was happy and as i set the table and the kids were washing up I cried i was so thankful for this bird that I knew I helped on its final day, I plucked and gutted and cleaned this bird, i prepared,baked and am serving this bird to my family,, I was thankful that this bird was a part of this joy.. i felt love for this bird and it had no idea. I said my private Thanks to this bird and Thanked God for giving it to me and my Family... It was a Great Dinner.. Thank You again Ralphie for letting me be apart of camp day... and BTW it was Super Good ,,,Best chicken EVER...
Coffee, that is just wonderful!
Oh wow Cluckies. The comments on that 8 pound bag of gummy bears is so funny.
Hahaha, the comments go on and on, hilarious!
Again I am forced to take a contrary position. I do not like Gummy Bears! I find them disgusting. Now if you are going to Fleetfarm a large bag of Burnt Peanuts is the only way to go!
My daughter worked at Menards in high school (elk river) and college (st. Cloud) she said they would bring out a pallet of those peanuts and they'd be gone in a day. Mostly the men bought them, people love those peanuts!
We are doing a Mexican vacation in March. I've already put in my time watching birds for my friend when they did their Yellowstone trip this summer. I feel like I've done a great job maneuvering that one! We did a trade if chicken sitting. Because they have a rabbit, kitty, and hermit crab I got an hour massage gift certificate -nice surprise. I think I got the better deal. Chickening in the summer vs chickening in the winter.
you definitely got the better deal.

chicken sitting is always a trick. I've a neighbor down the road that will do it, but will not accept $$. I mean, it is a time consuming chore and add in the cats and now the quail...I try to keep them in eggs. always hard to find a good consumable thank you gift as well.
on my first cup of coffee. one of the joys of a day off, you can drink your coffee while sitting down!

dang this rain. I have too much to do for it to be rainy. I've turned into a wimp too, I just don't want to go out and do winter chores or anything when it is like this. Guess I need to get some gumption.
who wanted the corningware percolater?

here is a reasonabl priced one: https://www.etsy.com/listing/254029...kKXek2TCGuvae88aQtdy4lLZolo1htMX70xoCikrw_wcB


i've never ever seen one!

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