
You would call those eggs with the "spotted" eggs 'porous'. Many folks say to not set them, but I do. However, it has proven true that you won't get great results from those eggs, but a decent enough number develop and hatch that I set them anyway. Once I trace who is laying which eggs this year though, I may start eliminating those hens who lay the really porous eggs.

The air sacs on any fresh egg will be small, or should be. It will expand as the chick develops and it a great deal larger by the time they start to hatch as the egg loses some of the moisture in the membranes. It's all normal stuff.
And those Legbars are just not adjusted to being in their new home quite yet. Between the weather and the move, it probably just knocked them off their rocker for a bit. It happens.

I set porous eggs too, but only if I don't have enough non-porous ones to fill the slots. They are my last resort. And I look them over carefully for any weeping regularly.
Yup, sounds like it is time to get the lawyer. It sounds like what they are doing is illegal anyway if they are purposely hiding public information from their residents. Good luck with all that!

The porous eggs...
I have never had weeping from them. I have only ever had weeping from eggs I set that I knew had been partially frozen. Yes, I set frozen eggs if they are not cracked. Yes, I do get a few to hatch. I never know if they will or won't and during that time of the season, I am trying to get as many to hatch as possible for 4-H use, so I don't throw any away except those that are visibly damaged.
The good news is , I got another egg from the Crested creams!

The bad news is my wife saw me....

I was so excited I grabbed the egg and headed to the house, I cleaned it up, and thought Hmmmm this egg is really light colored... and feels funny.

MY wife looked at it and said I grabbed the fake egg. then she proceeded to make fun of me. She wanted to know why when I grabbed the fake egg it was not as funny as when she did it... we Geez, that's obvious I would think......

I took the fake egg out brought the real one in and it is in the incubator. I thought it being only 6-7 hours behind the others would be ok, I marked it for a "late" hatch..

it is alright to add it to eggs I just started a few hours ago, isn't it?
My girls are producing at less than 50%!! Which is what I got most of the winter.

When we had that very last cold/snow snap, they dropped off to about 25%. I've had a couple almost 50% days, but nothing close to the percentage you saw the other day, Ralphie.

I have been naughty and left the chicken door open a lot lately. Maybe there are secret nests. We heard an egg song out the window, on the wrong side of our house, and one of my daughters found a warm egg safely tucked into the straw bedding of the dog's house!!! LOL I will have to go out now and close them up tonight if I expect any eggs, I suppose. I usually keep them closed up until lunchtime.

My husband was checking the garden soil yesterday, and he said he was able to easily dig his hand down about 5 inches before hitting frost!! Still too early though...

Is anyone in full swing, close to full egg production numbers yet?? This weather is making me so antsy with all things chicken and garden related.
I've got 5 of 8 laying. I'm going on 4 dozen eggs in the fridge. Time to start making quiches for supper and such. It's fun to see the hens so happy with the snow gone and checking out all their little fave spots.

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